Crash when listing contents of folder

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T'hain Esh Kelch
Posts: 92
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:59 am

Crash when listing contents of folder

Post by T'hain Esh Kelch »

I've now twice experienced MakeMKV crashes, while trying to select a folder to save my rips in.

How to:
• Using Finder, create a folder in MakeMKVs default rip folder (~/MakeMKV-rips/NewFolder/ for instance)
• In MakeMKV, add a disc, open it, and click the "set output folder" button, so the select folder dialog appears.
• The dialog shows the rotating wheel in the corner, as it is trying to list the contents of the folder I am in. MakeMKV appear to have cached the previous contents of the folder (~/MakeMKV-rips/), as this is what is shown initially.
• Now two things can happen: 1, the default MakeMKV-rips folder correctly shows the NewFolder and it can be selected. Or 2, MakeMKV crashes. -If I quickly select another folder in the dialog (Say, ~/ or ~/WhatEverOtherFolder/) and then quickly back to ~/MakeMKV-rips/, the new contents are listed correctly and instantly.

I have to mention that this have only happened while I've been using Handbrake to convert other files at the same time, ie. both CPU (Quad i7) and the 7200 RPM HDD has been quite busy, so I believe that has something to do with it. If the machine isn't busy at the same time, the contents of the folder are always shown instantly and a crash never occurs.

2011 iMac, OSX 10.11.6. MakeMKV 1.10.6.

Link to crash logs: ... h.txt?dl=0 ... 2.txt?dl=0

I couldn't upload the files directly to the board, because of this error: "Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached."
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Re: Crash when listing contents of folder

Post by Woodstock »

Make sure you send a link to the logs to so that Mike sees it quicker.
T'hain Esh Kelch
Posts: 92
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:59 am

Re: Crash when listing contents of folder

Post by T'hain Esh Kelch »

Will do, thanks.
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