MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

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MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

Post by Roscoe » Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:40 pm

I converted a Bluray of the 2015 World Series and got 8 separate titles (all different content). I then converted a DVD of the 2008 Orange Bowl and got 6 separate titles (The complete game but the 6 titles are out of order). I don't recall this ever happening before so I have no idea if this is due to the disk structure or a setting that has gotten out of whack. I'm using MakeMKV v1.10.5 darwin(x86-release) for OS X.

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Re: MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

Post by Roscoe » Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:17 am


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Re: MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

Post by Woodstock » Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:59 am

Without knowing how the disks were authored, it's hard to comment on what is correct/incorrect. Sorry.

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Re: MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

Post by thewombat » Sun May 28, 2017 4:28 pm

If there are eight videos on the disc, you'll get eight MKV files.

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Re: MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

Post by Roscoe » Sun May 28, 2017 8:23 pm

thewombat wrote:If there are eight videos on the disc, you'll get eight MKV files.
I get that, but in this case when I insert the disk (a football Bowl game) into a standard DVD player it's one long video. It's not broken up into parts. Yet when I open the disk in MKV I see multiple parts (and they are not in the correct order). Somehow (and I forget now how I did it) I was able to merge them into a single file.

Just trying to figure out what's going on...this is behavior I've never seen before. Both disks I mentioned (one BluRay and one DVD) are commemorative copies of sporting events.

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Re: MakeMKV producing multiple MKV files

Post by yorgo » Mon May 29, 2017 2:16 pm

As others have stated earlier, that may very well be how the discs wer authored. Without more information from you on the specific disc or, better yet, a view of the disc's content (tree structure) in the upper left section after the disc has been de-encrypted, more information to you cannot be provided.

Assuming one long title file with all the parts in the correct order is not listed, you can always rip each individual part, determine the correct order, then use another software package to create one file. I believe MKVToolNixGUI can perform this function, maybe Handbrake or something else, don't know, never had to do this. But MakeMKV cannot merge files.

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