Shared bluray disk

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Shared bluray disk

Post by oleg72 »

Hi, first of all i would like to thank the creator(s) of such a wonderful piece of software.
I've installed makemkv on my htpc (ubutnu 16.04 + kodi 17.1) and it's working perfectly.
However, I have another htpc client (ubutnu + kodi too) without bluray drive.
So, the question is how to make it work on the 2nd machine without physical bluray drive?
Samba or nbd-server is not an option i'm getting "volume key is unknown".
As I searched this forum I found there is an option so called 'tips server', but how to install and configure it?

p.s. I have makemkv installed from "ppa:heyarje/makemkv-beta"
p.p.s. and sorry for my poor english it is not my native language :)
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Re: Shared bluray disk

Post by Woodstock »

With Bluray, MakeMKV has to talk directly to the drive itself to get information to create a key, then present that key to the drive to allow access. If the network interface does not emulate that access, the key exchange will fail, and so with MakeMKV.
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Re: Shared bluray disk

Post by oleg72 »

Thank you, Woodstock, for your reply.

Somewhere on this forum mike admin said:
mike admin wrote:Well, it means that your keyfile still missing the VUK for this particular disc. In this case MakeMKV requires "full" access to the drive. You have additional option only if you can compile and run applications on your NAS. MakeMKV includes a so-called "TIPS" protocol - a way to share and connect the optical drive over TCP/IP. MakeMKV has builtin TIPS client, and TIPS server source code is part of libdriveio which is part of MakeMKV linux source package. If you manage to compile and run TIPS server on your NAS, the drive will become visible in MakeMKV.
Well, I am capable of compiling everything on my htpc, but I did not even find in google anything for "so-called "TIPS" protocol".

As an option there are may be a workaround.
If I can play a disc on a htpc with a hardware bluray drive, maybe MakeMKV can save the required keys somewhere and I can use them on the 2nd htpc (without hardware bluray) to play the disk?
In such a way I could watch my movies in my bedroom at least :)

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Shared bluray disk

Post by Woodstock »

There is a mechanism for MakeMKV to use the volume keys found by others. This kind of explains it:

Mike REALLY needs to update that page, though, because the part about setting up an "AACS directory" was long ago replaced with "drop the files in the MakeMKV data directory set in Preferences->General". And the link to the source of keys was, the last time I checked, several YEARS out of date.
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Re: Shared bluray disk (SOLVED)

Post by oleg72 »

Thanks again, Woodstock, thank you very much.

However, I found another way of sharing bluray drive across network. It IS working at least on ubuntu 16.04.
It works in such a way that the client htpc treats the shared bluray drive as a local optical drive.
Makemkv then sees that drive and uses 'direct disc access' mode to decrypt it (successfully).

So this is how to do it (I tried to be as breief as possible, without any explanations).

ON SERVER (with physical bluray drive)

Code: Select all

$ sudo -i
# apt install lsscsi
# apt install tgt
# lsscsi -g
	output should be something like this:
	[1:0:0:0]    cd/dvd  ASUS     CD-ROM      1.0   /dev/sr0   /dev/sg0    <- remember "/dev/sg0"
	[2:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      HARDDISK    1.0   /dev/sda   /dev/sg1

	# nano /etc/tgt/conf.d/sharecd.conf
put the following replacing "/dev/sg0" with your device name from the step above:

Code: Select all

default-driver iscsi

	<direct-store /dev/sg0>
		device-type pt
		bs-type sg
		removable 1
Reboot the server machine.

ON CLIENT (with NO bluray drive):

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$ sudo -i
# apt install lsscsi
# apt install open-iscsi
# nano /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
find and comment:

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node.startup = manual
and uncomment:

Code: Select all

node.startup = automatic
Now execute (replace with your server ip):

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# iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
	output should be something like this:,1

# iscsiadm -m node --login -T
	output should be something like this:
		Logging in to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] (multiple)
		Login to [iface: default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
Ok, now

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# systemctl enable iscsid
# reboot
After reboot issue the following command on client:

Code: Select all

# lsscsi -g
	output should be something like this:
	[2:0:0:0]    disk    ATA      HARDDISK         1.0   /dev/sda   /dev/sg0
	[4:0:0:0]    storage IET      Controller       0001  -          /dev/sg1
	[4:0:0:1]    cd/dvd  ASUS     CD-ROM           1.0   /dev/sr0   /dev/sg2 <- this is your server's bluray drive
Now you can use makemkv to rip a disk or a media player to watch a movie.
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