Need some help with file names

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Need some help with file names

Post by DanielBme » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:41 pm

Hi, got BatchMKV installed and did a few movies converted. Worked great but I do require some assistance on auto naming files. Right now I just did 4 movies and so manually typed in the name of the movie for Filename. Not a big deal. But I will be converting a few hundred as well as a number of tv shows. I didn't find any documentation anywhere on how to do the below.

All my movies are in blu-ray folder structure as well as my tv shows

So for movies I have

Movies > Interstellar > <blu-ray folder structure in here>

So, is there a way that when BMKV loads it analyzes the files and will automatically use the title showing on the rightleft hand side for the filename? On the right hand side when I click the drop down for Properties and select filename, it's blank so when I convert a movie if I don't put anything in there I just get an extension.

Also for TV Shows my structure looks like this

TV Shows > Farscape > Season 1 > Farscape_S1_D1
TV Shows > Farscape > Season 1 > Farscape_S1_D2

What I would like is to have the filenames set as Farscape Season 1 D1 T00005 (where T00005 is the stream file which is 00005.m2ts

Any assistance would be appreciated.

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