Removing Closed Captioning

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Removing Closed Captioning

Post by sisaksen » Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:40 pm

I am trying to rip my DVD collection to hard drive and I have encountered a recurring problem. Some of the DVD's I rip come out with the closed captioning on (even though you can hear the audio) andthere is no apparent way to turn it off after it is recorded or any way to stop it from recording that way in the first place. Can anybody here help me out? I am new to this so am I missing something obvious or is this some weird type of copy protection?

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Re: Removing Closed Captioning

Post by Woodstock » Tue Jan 10, 2017 9:07 pm

You are probably referring to subtitles (close captioning is part of the video stream), and a lot of players always play the first subtitle track found, whether it is marked to be played automatically or not. Closed Captioning USUALLY shows up with a black background, OR it may include marks to indicate music or sound effects.

Depending upon how the disk was authored, that could be the track that displays ALL subtitles, not just the ones necessary that apply to the movie audio track you are listening to.

Prior to ripping, if you look at the left hand part of the screen, you will see a small triangle next to each title. If you click on it, it will show you all the tracks associated with that title. You can uncheck the ones you don't want.

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