New user multiple rips of one title

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New user multiple rips of one title

Post by rob.lowe1 »

Hi, WOW, this is blowing my mind, for my first ever BR discs, just trying to watch some 1960's Batman BR on Lubuntu 14.4.

Anyway, I didn't see this when I searched elsewhere, so just to make a note:

Using a new external ASUS drive, BW-12D1S-U LITE/BLK/G/AS, which is working very well (~6x rip), and double fast on DVDs too.

Makemkv ripped two sets of files for each title, with different audio and subs in each. So I had to go through and figure out and rename each .mkv to the correct series. This was fairly tedious because they were totally out of order. With 12 ep (or 24+ titles) on a disk, t01 might be ep05 and t02 might be ep11. But I finally ended up with files like batman.s01e02.1.mkv and batman.s01e02.2.mkv which I then combined (not append), deleting doubles, in mkvtoolnix to form one file with all audios and subs available.

Thanks for a great, highly functional makemkv software, but if this is the norm for multiple ep BRs (tv shows), I'm going to stick to DVDs. And major thanks for the <title> working!

I did have one BR disk that came up with the scsi read errors and had the little suction marks on the new disk, but would still error after cleaning.
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Re: New user multiple rips of one title

Post by Woodstock »

Welcome to the world of disk authoring.... :)

One thing that might explain what is happening is that MakeMKV numbers titles by the order it encountered them in the directory, NOT by their file name. When you take a directory of the disk, though, you will see them in name-sorted order, so you wonder why this happened.

When you find it, you can manually name the titles in the right order, if you have enabled "Expert mode" in preferences. The information you need to (usually!) figure this out is available - the lower right panel of the selection screen shows the file name of the currently-selected title, and you check their order by scrolling up and down in the left hand screen.

As for multiple copies of the same file - that's because there is more than one play list for each episode, with the different audio tracks. There may be other differences; a Disney animated feature, for example, will have two or three copies of the main feature, differing only in the titles and credits, which will be in the "native language" for the title. 800 would have English titles and credits, and MAY only have English audio available. The French and Spanish versions are localized for those languages.
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