Subtitles Title

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Subtitles Title

#1 Post by abel413 » Fri Dec 16, 2016 6:03 am


I'm using MakeMKV v1.10.2 at that time. I've extracted one of my personal BluRay and when checking .mkv file with MediaInfo, I can see this regarding subtiles :


As you can see we have, in particular, two French PGS files, one being forced sub but you can't distinguish between them.

But, I've already seen things like the following :


There there is a title "Chinese-PGS". Then, I wonder whether than can be done automatically via MakeMKV (or another similar stuff) ? Actually, I guess it is simply due to the fact no "title" is retrieved and I could simply set it in MKVmerge then remux but I would like to avoid doing this manually. Moreovoer, I noticed that Audio have generally a Title but it doesn't seem to be the case for subtitles. It doesn't seem possible to add a title manually directly on MakeMKV either...

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Re: Subtitles Title

#2 Post by Chetwood » Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:16 am

You don't need to remux in mkvmerge, simply use its header editor to set the 'name' of the subtitle.
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Re: Subtitles Title

#3 Post by abel413 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:32 am

Chetwood wrote:You don't need to remux in mkvmerge, simply use its header editor to set the 'name' of the subtitle.
Actually you are right, it is possible to edit header names with MKVmerge in "Expert" mode.

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Re: Subtitles Title

#4 Post by Yugatha » Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:21 pm

If you need to retro-edit any files, as Chetwood has mentioned, you can simply edit the header (instead of remuxing the whole file) to change the Subtitle name, by:
  1. Choosing the header tab in MKVToolnix
  2. Opening the MKV to edit (I drag and drop)
  3. Choosing the subtitle file to edit
  4. Modify the name field, then
  5. Save with CTRL + S


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Re: Subtitles Title

#5 Post by abel413 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:26 pm

Okay, so you mean we can edit without remuxing ? Can that also work for Chapters ? Actually, I opened a thread with another issue regarding that point and if I could edit problematic chapters without having to remux, it could be fine.

If I try what you ask (MKVToolNix v9.6.0), after changing sub Name and trying to save I got an error saying it is not a mastroka file or protected or another reason and it can't be saved.

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