I'm using MakeMKV v1.10.2 at that time. I've extracted one of my personal BluRay and when checking .mkv file with MediaInfo, I can see this regarding subtiles :

As you can see we have, in particular, two French PGS files, one being forced sub but you can't distinguish between them.
But, I've already seen things like the following :

There there is a title "Chinese-PGS". Then, I wonder whether than can be done automatically via MakeMKV (or another similar stuff) ? Actually, I guess it is simply due to the fact no "title" is retrieved and I could simply set it in MKVmerge then remux but I would like to avoid doing this manually. Moreovoer, I noticed that Audio have generally a Title but it doesn't seem to be the case for subtitles. It doesn't seem possible to add a title manually directly on MakeMKV either...