Automating Movies That Have Playlist Obfuscation

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Automating Movies That Have Playlist Obfuscation

Post by autumnfoil » Sun Aug 21, 2016 5:34 pm

I've been using MakeMKV on Ubuntu for a few months now, and have just begun writing my own script to automate the entire MakeMKV to Handbrake process that I've been doing by hand. I noticed that the latest update (1.10.1) has added support for BD-J disks and gives descriptions to two or three of the titles in the GUI. Now I'm pretty sure that the (FPL_MainFeature) is the right title to rip, while the others (SPBD Copy Disclaimer Playlist) and (SF_PlayAll) are the incorrect ones.

My problem is that I've increased the minimum title time to an hour so when my script runs it grabs t00 which would be the only file left after it opens the titles. So when a movie with multiple playlists comes around the Copy Disclaimer and SF titles end up in front of the Main Feature title thus making my script grab the wrong title. So I'm curious if there's a way around this with the CLI or I should just actually be using a different script altogether.

Thanks for the replies in advance, also I've been messing with this using the Hunger Games movies if that's any help.

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Re: Automating Movies That Have Playlist Obfuscation

Post by kenneth » Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:04 am

I don't have any answers to your problem, but I'm curious about BD-J support and playlist descriptions. Where do you see these descriptions (FPL_MainFeature etc.)? I tried with a disc that has playlist obfuscation but there doesn't appear to be any additional descriptions of the titles/playlists, I'm not sure if it's because of the disc or if it's because I'm looking in the wrong place.
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Re: Automating Movies That Have Playlist Obfuscation

Post by autumnfoil » Sat Sep 17, 2016 8:21 pm

Yeah its in the info box as a comment, and at the end of the title description in parenthesis. I'd give a pic, but I'm not near my htpc atm, perhaps your window is too small to see it?

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Re: Automating Movies That Have Playlist Obfuscation

Post by cirtbrethren » Sat Feb 04, 2017 11:10 pm

It doesn't show up on all discs, but here is what autumnfoil is talking about: ... M.png?dl=0

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