Forced Subtitles - ignoreForcedSubtitlesFlag="True"

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Forced Subtitles - ignoreForcedSubtitlesFlag="True"

Post by mcneelypeter2 »

Put this in the wrong forum, sorry.

I've been reading about trying to get forced subtitles to work in MakeMKV. I'm starting to mess around with remuxing the file through MKVToolNix but one post on the forum led me to the default.mmcp XML file. In there I noticed that ignoreForcedSubtitlesFlag was set to True. I doubt it is as setting this to false and ripping the MKV however I figured I might as well ask.

Anybody know what that setting does and if switching it to False would help MakeMKV recognize Forced Subtitle tracks? Thanks.
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Re: Forced Subtitles - ignoreForcedSubtitlesFlag="True"

Post by Woodstock »

The "Forced subtitle track" has a lot of different meanings. It is VERY RARE for any subtitles on DVD or BD to be FLAGGED as "forced". Most DVDs and BDs I've encountered use a separate track for forced subtitles, with no special flags, other than MAYBE "default".

If you rip a BD, MakeMKV will offer to create a "forced only" track for you, by copying the subtitles that are flagged as "forced" to their own track. I have only seen one title (Avatar) where the resulting track wasn't deleted because it was empty, and 99% of what I buy has subtitles.

So, to your question, "Would setting it to FALSE help?" Theoretically, maybe. It won't help with the detection of them. And playback is dependent upon the player software, so it MAY affect that, but many players ignore flags anyway.
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Re: Forced Subtitles - ignoreForcedSubtitlesFlag="True"

Post by Aast656 »

I wouldn't say that it is VERY RARE to find subtitles flaged as Forced. Maybe in English subtitles it is true but in Spanish DVDs and BRs is very common. Although some times forced subtitles are in a separate track, more or less 50% of times are in the main track of Spanish subtitles, flaged as Forced.

MakeMKV can handle this for BR, but unfortunately not for DVDs, which make it useless in these situations.

... and I imagine the situation will be similar for other no-English languages...
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