Independence Day and Ratatouille don't load

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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:51 pm

Independence Day and Ratatouille don't load

Post by andypeet »

It just does not make sense why this and all of my other Blue Ray do not work. I can play them in a Blu-ray player on my computer and in the Blu-ray player connected to the TV. When I try to run MAkeMKV I keep getting the same results, which are not good.

The log is listed below.

Debug log started at Mon Apr 25 17:33:00 2016 , written by MakeMKV v1.9.10 win(x64-release)
Using 524544KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.9.10 win(x64-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:\Users\andypeet/MakeMKV_log.txt
005042:0000 The program can't find any usable optical drives.
005041:0404 The folder "D:" appears to be a root folder on optical drive, however drive can't be accessed by the program. The operation will most likely fail.
003006:0000 Opening files on harddrive at D:
005053:0308 This functionality is shareware. You may evaluate it for 30 days after what you would need to purchase an activation key if you like the functionality. Do you want to start evaluation period now?
005050:0000 Evaluation version, 30 day(s) out of 30 remaining
DEBUG: Code 2147483648 at sOvXbpqt9^7}HS}M:121265315
003303:0000 The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at 4F9b_=LSM_Cv||\h:29395701
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at 4F9b_=LSM_Cv||\h:29397794
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at A8eYhhuVahhmcBEYDBDApxhS:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at jOwqV+dz0rYBBzYZbWhSAGuf:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at JGhSb0acxswzKzoFVKk1GWL0:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at ekeqArj3iGi3Jh4RxmENgMKw:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at xUKh8zw2diFoivfsMTSiOvl0:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at XZ9fu750XBnSSSBqHAVJqOPr:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at cFcuaZRJ9xSSVevtVVsfnOQe:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at qkAmz5pi3ouNECBrh9MBpDAi:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at FnW9wO3S+a2vTSery0Gxtfun:0
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 233 at BoLZYmECrOkC7OmESi/SMGeA:0
005010:0000 Failed to open disc
005041:0404 The folder "D:" appears to be a root folder on optical drive, however drive can't be accessed by the program. The operation will most likely fail.
003006:0000 Opening files on harddrive at D:
005050:0000 Evaluation version, 30 day(s) out of 30 remaining
DEBUG: Code 2147483648 at sOvXbpqt9^7}HS}M:121265315
003303:0000 The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at 4F9b_=LSM_Cv||\h:29395701
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at 4F9b_=LSM_Cv||\h:29397794
005010:0000 Failed to open disc
Application exited at Mon Apr 25 17:44:43 2016

Please help. I would like to understand what my options are in decrypting this Blu-ray disc. All of my other DVD's had no issues whatsoever.
Posts: 10415
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: Independence Day and Ratatouille don't load

Post by Woodstock »

I think the key is here:
It just does not make sense why this and all of my other Blue Ray do not work. I can play them in a Blu-ray player on my computer and in the Blu-ray player connected to the TV. When I try to run MAkeMKV I keep getting the same results, which are not good.
What BD player? It is possible that a driver has been installed to take control when a BD is inserted, interfering with MakeMKV accessing the drive. That leads to:
005042:0000 The program can't find any usable optical drives.
005041:0404 The folder "D:" appears to be a root folder on optical drive, however drive can't be accessed by the program. The operation will most likely fail.
003006:0000 Opening files on harddrive at D:
MakeMKV makes some assumptions when being asked to read from a non-optical disk. Windows is making the BD appear to be a mounted hard drive, so those assumptions are going to be incorrect. It MIGHT work if you tell it to start in the BDMV directory, rather than root; Select Open Files, and navigate to D:\BDMV\ , select index.bdmv , and see if it works.
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