Disney Animation taking days

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Disney Animation taking days

Post by Khaziglu »

I just recently started using makemkv to convert Blu Rays. Was having no issues until I tried Disney animation titles. I have tried several titles, and they all bog down with this message and it's variants.

The source file '/BDMV/STREAM/00300.m2ts' is corrupt or invalid at offset 6305863680, attempting to work around

The message occurs 10-20 times then the conversion proceeds with a progressive offset number, but at the rate it is going it seems as if it will take days to do one movie as opposed to the 15 minutes to an hour I am used to. To be sure it was just Disney Animated titles I converted both Iron Man and Mary Poppins with no problems at all. I also have no problems converting the DVDs of the animated titles.

Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Disney Animation taking days

Post by Woodstock »

Disney BDs do not normally have any special copy protection. But they do have a tendency to be abused due to over-playing by kids. :)

Clean the disk. If you see a lot of fine scratches, consider cleaning it the way I do - spray on Pledge furniture polish, rub it in with a clean finger, then wipe it clean with a SOFT cotton or microfiber cloth. Allow any of the water from the wax to flash off before putting the disk in the drive.

This removes fingerprint oils and fills in fine scratches, and USUALLY works well enough to get a clean rip. If not, you may have to have someone who knows what they're doing (and has the proper tools) do a surface polish on the disk.
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