first I would like to say hello to everybody! I'm a new user so I hope that this topic will be OK with the rules of this forum.
Ok, so I discovered MakeMKV 2 months ago and I find it very nice. Thanks! I use it only to create MKV from TV serie's DVD. I have a HTPC with MediaBrowser and to have a backdrop for each episode, I need to split the original DVD in mutliple MKV, 1 for each episode. For some series, like Rome, MakeMKV can not open the disc, I don't know why and how to find a solution! The fact very strange is that I can open the first disc of the season 2 and create the 2 MKV from the 2 episodes but with the first disc of the season 1 => unpossible!
here is the message from MakeMKV:
I hope that someone can explain me what is my mistake and if it's possible to create MKV from this DVD?MakeMKV v1.5.4 beta win(x64-release) started
Using direct disc access mode
Calculated BUP offset does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset does not match one in IFO header.
Titleset start sector mismatch for titleset 1 : 4294965436 != 1742
Calculated BUP offset does not match one in IFO header.
Titleset start sector mismatch for titleset 2 : 4291575491 != 3391807
Calculated BUP offset does not match one in IFO header.
Titleset start sector mismatch for titleset 3 : 4291372311 != 3594993
Cell 15 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #0 declared length is 0:50:03 while its real length is 0:00:00 - assuming fake title
Cell 15 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #1 declared length is 0:47:51 while its real length is 0:00:00 - assuming fake title
Cell 13 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #2 declared length is 0:42:26 while its real length is 0:00:00 - assuming fake title
Cell 15 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #3 declared length is 0:50:03 while its real length is 0:00:00 - assuming fake title
Cell 15 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #4 declared length is 0:47:51 while its real length is 0:00:00 - assuming fake title
Cell 13 was discarded (structure protection?)
Title #5 declared length is 0:42:26 while its real length is 0:00:00 - assuming fake title
Title #6 has length of 0 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #7 (0:11:04) was skipped due to navigation error
Title #8 has length of 0 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #9 has length of 17 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #10 has length of 0 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Failed to open disc
Thank you for your help!