Certain Blu Ray Disks Will Not Mount

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Certain Blu Ray Disks Will Not Mount

Post by Juanbond »

I have a USB blu ray drive (Samsung SH-B083L) that is struggling to read "Ted" and "Meet the Parents." I've had media read issues with MKV in the past, but for some reason these two will not even mount into my OS. The movies are brand new so they are not scratched, but I can easily see through them when I put them up to a light or window. Could my drive be struggling to read the disks because they are cheaply made? I've had the drive for almost 6 years with heavy use, but I haven't had any other recent problems.

I recognize this really isn't a Makemkv problem, but I don't know what to do. Any ideas?

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Certain Blu Ray Disks Will Not Mount

Post by Woodstock »

If the operating system won't at least show you a directory of the disk, there is no way that MakeMKV can work around that.

But, sometimes the problem is the operating system or the hardware getting "confused", and not talking to each other. Have you reset the computer recently? Not just "restarted", but either powered it down, or used the RESET button (assuming it has one)? Doing so re-initializes the hardware as well as the operating system, and can fix a lot of issue.

There can certainly be other hardware issues. And old drive can either be dusty inside or failing in general. And, with the advent of UHD BDXL titles hitting the market, you're going to have to upgrade eventually - no 6 year old drive is going to have BDXL capability.

But I'd start with the reset.... and I'm the sort that leaves machines running for months!
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