DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

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DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by fabioalert »

My copies of DVD do not change the subtitles when plays with Oppo BD-93. Just the off option no subtitle) and the first subtitle are select. When you select any other subtitle, the player recognize the subtitle you select but the first in the list continue being showed. Older versions from make mkv did not have this problem. It works ok if you play in the laptop, the problem appears when plays with Oppo. Please check it.
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by Woodstock »

Sounds like a bug in the Oppo if it's playing two subtitle tracks at the same time. Especially if VLC doesn't show them as being combined.

Do you know what version of MakeMKV this started to occur? Mike will need to know, so he can see what was changed between versions in the MKV format and flags.

Also, are you using any non-standard profile for the rip? If not, which profile are you using?
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by fabioalert »

Look, I´ve been a long time without using make mkv so i can say that the last version i used i downloaded before may this year. Two days ago i needed to use it and i downloaded the last version.

Just to make it clear: Oppo do not plays two subtitles, it plays the first in the list of subtitles in the file, no matter wich one you select. If the first is english and portuguese is the 12th, any one you select among them, it will play english, although it shows like it is playing the one you selected. For example you select portuguese, oppo says it is playing portuguese but you see the english sub (the first in the list).

I am doing nothing different from what i always did for about 4 years when i started using make mkv.

Thank you very much for your attention

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Post by fabioalert »

Please someone help me:

If I buy a licence is it a lifetime licence?
The licence is for just one version or I can go back and forth among versions, as long as I heve just one in use at a time?

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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by Woodstock »

Yes, it is.
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by Krawk »

Oppo will NOT play forced subtitles unless you select the correct track. Is this the issue you're having?
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by fabioalert »

Look, i am not doing nothing different of what I have been doing the last 4 years. I have used make mkv in more than 300 dvds and i think i know how to use it. The problem is in this make mkv version . I do not know if it started in this version, all I know is that in versions prior may/2015 it did not happen.

Don´t get me wrong, i thank you for your attention, but i think someone that has an Oppo Bd 93 should try to reproduce this problem, even with dvd players of different models and brands an see what happens.

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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by ndjamena »

The Matroska specs aren't all that complicated. There's nothing MakeMKV CAN do to cause the issue you're describing.
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by fabioalert »

Dear friend, I am an 52 years old man and one thing I have learned is that frases like "There's nothing MakeMKV CAN do to cause the issue you're describing" should be banished from our point of view. Someone must have said something like this before spacial bus Challenger explode and so many other events along the history that people thought "it is impossible to happen"

Software are made by man and man can fails, some times in simple things

I have been using this Make mkv software for a long time and playing the result on this very same Oppo player and works perfectly. Now with THIS version it has one problem that I thing is simple enough to pass undetectable for software developer. I think it is very much wiser to check it than close eyes and simple say "this can not happen".

I thought that the reason of this forum was to inform to developers the problems the program have, so they can check and fix it, but if they think they are perfect........

Again: do not take me wrong, I do not want to desrespect you or anyone, I am just showing my point of view.

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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by ndjamena »

These are the laws of physics:


There is nothing IN the laws of physics that allows for the phenomenon you're describing.

If you're claiming that somehow something is happening that defies the laws of physics then you're a crackpot.

The last time someone came on this forum complaining that a certain version of MakeMKV was doing something to his files that wasn't possible, it turned out to be a problem with his settings in Handbrake.

-EDIT- or was it displaying chapters as subtitles last time?
Last edited by ndjamena on Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by ndjamena »

I just ripped Superman Doomsday from DVD with all the subtitles languages on the disc and played it in MPC-HC. All the subtitles were there and I could switch between them at will. So obviously whatever is happening to you is not MakeMKVs doing, which means it's a problem with either your player or your discs.

Do you need help figuring out which?
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by fabioalert »

Maybe I am crackpot :lol: :lol: :lol:

Look, all my files plays ok in HPC-HC, the problems just happens in the Oppo player. I am a electronic technician not a software developer, I can project amplifiers or install or repair anything among video/audio/security including their software.

What i said before about "anyone can make mistakes" applies to me too. I can be making some mistake and I want someone to help me finding if I am doing some. But I am not crazy, if I say the problem exist is because it exist. What you are trying to do in all your posts is to say that "this can not happen" without even checking what I am saying and I do not think this is correct.

If you can not check with a Oppo player just say that, HPC_HC is not an Oppo player. My files work ok with windows xp pro in a 32bit computer and ok too in a windows 7 home premium 64 bit computer, the same file has problems when I play it in the BD-93. And I will repeat: all my files generated before may 2015 works perfect.

So if you can help me I thank you or please if you know someone who can check it please ask him to.

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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by ndjamena »

MKVMerge -I file.mkv

For a start.

make sure it's a capital 'I', lowercase give less information. We need it for an old file and a new one.

The we need the same from MediaInfo in text mode.

Like I said, there's not much variation inside a Matroska file and I don't see how anything could be causing what you're saying.

The fact that they play in other programs makes the possible causes almost non-existent, and that most likely means there's a problem with your player, if we can find out what it is we can see if we can stop it.

Hmmm, are you saying only the latest version has this problem? MakeMKV added track statistics tags to the files for the first time in the latest version, if your playing doesn't know how to handle them that could be contributing to the problem, but MKVMerge has been adding the tags for years now, and I haven't heard anyone complaining about them screwing with Oppo players as yet... We could try removing them with MKVPropEdit and see if that helps...
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by fabioalert »

I apologise but teach me like a kid: what exactly do you want me to do?
What do I have to do with this "MKVMerge -I file.mkv" ?
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Re: DVD problem with subtitle with new make mkv version

Post by ndjamena »

Assuming you're using windows:

MKVToolNix Pre:

64 bit:

32 bit:

Install whichever one of those fits your system. (the lastest MKVPropEdit pre has a special command to remove track statistics tags.)

Open a command prompt, move to the mkvtoolnix directory and type [ mkvmerge --engage keep_track_statistics_tags -I ] and put the path to your file after the -I (including the files name and extension)

To be honest you could try this first MKVPropEdit --delete-track-statistics-tags "filename.mkv"

I'm almost convinced that will fix the problem, but maybe not.

Test it out on a single file.

(if it was just me I'd have figured it out already)

Code: Select all

mkvmerge --engage keep_track_statistics_tags -I "F:\Videos\Movies\Adventure\Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.mkv"
Gives you something like this:

Code: Select all

File 'F:\Videos\Movies\Adventure\Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.mkv': container: Matroska [container_type:17 duration:9303920000000 is_providing_timecodes:1 segment_uid:9cf957c5205d7146adb04cca3313abae title:Robin\sHood\c\sPrince\sof\sThieves]
Track ID 0: video (VC-1) [codec_id:V_MS/VFW/FOURCC codec_private_data:4a0000008007000038040000010018005756433100ec5e0001000000010000000000000000000000000000010fdb7e3bf21b8a3bf886f1804a02020309af270727040000010e5adff840 codec_private_length:74 default_duration:41708333 default_track:1 display_dimensions:1920x1080 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:eng number:1 pixel_dimensions:1920x1080 tag__statistics_tags:BPS\sDURATION\sNUMBER_OF_FRAMES\sNUMBER_OF_BYTES tag__statistics_writing_app:mkvmerge\sv8.5.1\s('Where\syou\slead\sI\swill\sfollow')\s64bit tag__statistics_writing_date_utc:2015-10-27\s08\c47\c29 tag_bps:24697679 tag_duration:02\c35\c03.920000000 tag_number_of_bytes:28723153911 tag_number_of_frames:223071 track_name:VC-1\s(23.976\sfps) uid:1]
Track ID 1: audio (FLAC) [audio_bits_per_sample:16 audio_channels:6 audio_sampling_frequency:48000 codec_id:A_FLAC codec_private_data:664c614300000022120012000017280089770bb80af01a9e650081e239c6b54476b439337da78c42c0e4040000731f0000004d616b654d4b562076312e392e372077696e287836342d72656c6561736529020000001d000000454e434f4445523d6c69626176636f646563207635362e34312e3130302700000057415645464f524d4154455854454e5349424c455f4348414e4e454c5f4d41534b3d3078363046810000204d616b654d4b562076312e392e372077696e287836342d72656c656173652900 codec_private_length:197 default_duration:96000000 default_track:1 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:eng number:2 tag__statistics_tags:BPS\sDURATION\sNUMBER_OF_FRAMES\sNUMBER_OF_BYTES tag__statistics_writing_app:mkvmerge\sv8.5.1\s('Where\syou\slead\sI\swill\sfollow')\s64bit tag__statistics_writing_date_utc:2015-10-27\s08\c47\c29 tag_bps:1490235 tag_duration:02\c35\c03.920000000 tag_number_of_bytes:1733128550 tag_number_of_frames:96916 track_name:English\sMain\s-\sFLAC(5.1) uid:2]
Track ID 2: subtitles (HDMV PGS) [codec_id:S_HDMV/PGS codec_private_length:0 content_encoding_algorithms:0 default_track:0 enabled_track:1 forced_track:0 language:eng number:3 tag__statistics_tags:BPS\sDURATION\sNUMBER_OF_FRAMES\sNUMBER_OF_BYTES tag__statistics_writing_app:mkvmerge\sv8.5.1\s('Where\syou\slead\sI\swill\sfollow')\s64bit tag__statistics_writing_date_utc:2015-10-27\s08\c47\c29 tag_bps:10973 tag_duration:02\c32\c17.274000000 tag_number_of_bytes:12533028 tag_number_of_frames:3078 track_name:English\sSDH\s-\sPGS uid:3]
Chapters: 46 entries
Tags for track ID 0: 7 entries
Tags for track ID 1: 7 entries
Tags for track ID 2: 7 entries
We're interesting in the tags, the default flags, the forced flags and the enabled flags.

From MediaInfo

Code: Select all

Unique ID                                : 208654229447822066604606824266534726574 (0x9CF957C5205D7146ADB04CCA3313ABAE)
Complete name                            : F:\Videos\Movies\Adventure\Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.mkv
Format                                   : Matroska
Format version                           : Version 4 / Version 2
File size                                : 28.4 GiB
Duration                                 : 2h 35mn
Overall bit rate mode                    : Variable
Overall bit rate                         : 26.2 Mbps
Movie name                               : Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
Encoded date                             : UTC 2015-10-27 08:47:29
Writing application                      : mkvmerge v8.5.1 ('Where you lead I will follow') 64bit
Writing library                          : libebml v1.3.3 + libmatroska v1.4.4

ID                                       : 1
Format                                   : VC-1
Format profile                           : Advanced@L3
Codec ID                                 : V_MS/VFW/FOURCC / WVC1
Codec ID/Hint                            : Microsoft
Duration                                 : 2h 35mn
Bit rate                                 : 24.7 Mbps
Width                                    : 1 920 pixels
Height                                   : 1 080 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate mode                          : Constant
Frame rate                               : 23.976 (24000/1001) fps
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 8 bits
Scan type                                : Progressive
Compression mode                         : Lossy
Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.497
Stream size                              : 26.8 GiB (94%)
Title                                    : VC-1 (23.976 fps)
Language                                 : English
Default                                  : Yes
Forced                                   : No

ID                                       : 2
Format                                   : FLAC
Format/Info                              : Free Lossless Audio Codec
Codec ID                                 : A_FLAC
Duration                                 : 2h 35mn
Bit rate mode                            : Variable
Bit rate                                 : 1 490 Kbps
Channel(s)                               : 6 channels
Channel positions                        : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 KHz
Frame rate                               : 10.417 fps (4608 spf)
Bit depth                                : 16 bits
Stream size                              : 1.61 GiB (6%)
Title                                    : English Main - FLAC(5.1)
Writing library                          : MakeMKV v1.9.7 win(x64-release)
Language                                 : English
Default                                  : Yes
Forced                                   : No

ID                                       : 3
Format                                   : PGS
Muxing mode                              : zlib
Codec ID                                 : S_HDMV/PGS
Codec ID/Info                            : Picture based subtitle format used on BDs/HD-DVDs
Duration                                 : 2h 32mn
Bit rate                                 : 11.0 Kbps
Count of elements                        : 3078
Stream size                              : 12.0 MiB (0%)
Title                                    : English SDH - PGS
Language                                 : English
Default                                  : No
Forced                                   : No

00:00:00.000                             : en:Credits
00:02:19.347                             : en:English Courage
00:05:57.482                             : en:Our Way Lies Together
00:08:16.621                             : en:Locksley Tragedy
00:10:59.367                             : en:Home
00:15:35.517                             : en:Gisborne's Welcome
00:20:08.207                             : en:Murderous Portents
00:23:46.842                             : en:World Upside Down
00:27:07.292                             : en:Marian's Welcome
00:31:15.707                             : en:Getting Reacquainted
00:34:46.042                             : en:Cross-Country Flight
00:37:31.707                             : en:The Forest Has Eyes
00:41:24.648                             : en:Quarterstaff Duel
00:44:35.089                             : en:Outlaw Campfire
00:47:40.190                             : en:Sunday Worship
00:50:58.722                             : en:Visiting the Bishop
00:56:04.778                             : en:Planning to Lead
00:58:16.576                             : en:One True Weapon
01:02:18.693                             : en:Call Off Christmas
01:07:56.614                             : en:Feisty Friar
01:14:22.291                             : en:Gisborne Penalized
01:16:16.822                             : en:Glimpse of Robin
01:18:49.266                             : en:Distractions; Camp Tour
01:22:39.579                             : en:Salt of the Earth
01:25:47.058                             : en:Medical Emergency
01:29:40.958                             : en:"I'll Do It for You."
01:32:10.399                             : en:Undelivered Message
01:34:41.509                             : en:In His Palm
01:37:30.094                             : en:Marian Abducted
01:40:27.021                             : en:Overrun By Celts
01:43:45.344                             : en:Fiery Assualt
01:47:24.604                             : en:The Sheriff's Proposal
01:52:12.100                             : en:Will's Bargain
01:54:24.274                             : en:Finish What's Been Started
01:59:35.793                             : en:Hole in the Wall
02:01:52.263                             : en:"Your Are Me."
02:04:26.375                             : en:Battle Positions
02:08:23.612                             : en:Will Exposed
02:12:02.039                             : en:Cheating the Hangman
02:16:21.173                             : en:Storming the Castle
02:18:29.342                             : en:Martial Mayhem
02:21:34.486                             : en:Dropping In
02:23:26.514                             : en:Final Duel
02:27:00.478                             : en:Vow Fulfilled
02:28:10.798                             : en:Royal Guest
02:30:23.180                             : en:End Credits
[ Muxing mode : zlib ] is the only thing I can think of that might be important, although we may find something else interesting.

You could try remuxing the file using MKVToolNix GUI and see if it still happens... but checking the tags seems the most likely start.
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