Not able to produce 3D SBS from Bluray ISO

Everything related to Blu-ray 3D and 3D MKV files
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Not able to produce 3D SBS from Bluray ISO

Post by paros »

I have a 3D iso (about 34gb) and want to convert it to a SBS format (as I understand it is a must to be able to use it in KODI on my QNAP HS-251).
How do I do this the best way?
I have tried with MakeMKV, but I end up with a mkv-file that is ok to open in KODI (at the QNAP HS-251), but the it get a wierd picture in Side-By-Side view.
I am able to open other SBS-movies but I am not able to produce them by my self.
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Re: Not able to produce 3D SBS from Bluray ISO

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV will extract the 3D MVC track and put it into the MKV file, but your player has to understand how to deal with that.

A search on Google for "convert mvc to sbs 3d" comes up with several tools to make the conversion to SBS or TAB 3D.
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