Is there a way to simply ignore uncorrectable data errors?

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Is there a way to simply ignore uncorrectable data errors?

#1 Post by mikebo » Wed Sep 23, 2015 7:29 pm

I have an old kids DVDs I'm trying to rip and, of course, they have scratches which cause uncorrectable read errors. When I play the disc on a video player, there are portions of the video that are corrupted, but it continues to play. For old and precious DVDs that are irreplaceable, I'd prefer to keep what video might be salvaged and accept the flaws on playback instead of just aborting the whole process and throwing away the 99% of good video because of one glitch. I understand that data drives are different from video media drives, but there must be a way around this so the file can be saved, warts and all. Is this possible? How?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: Is there a way to simply ignore uncorrectable data error

#2 Post by Woodstock » Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:16 pm

There are programs that ignore read errors, but MakeMKV is unlikely to be one of them. MakeMKV already has to deal with drives that "return something" (rarely valid) when they encounter errors, rather than letting you know there is a problem with the disk.

The files generated by "skip over errors" programs are useless for further processing, due to those errors. Over on the handbrake forum, people regularly show up with "work just fine" files that can't be compressed, because entire sections are missing. They didn't KNOW the files were bad, because they program hid the errors.

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Re: Is there a way to simply ignore uncorrectable data error

#3 Post by Krawk » Thu Sep 24, 2015 4:27 pm

I have seen ISO Tools for reading regular cds including coping with read errors, have they progressed to dvd or not I have not followed.
But of course for a commercial dvd to work, you would also need a tool in the background such as AnyDvd or Dvd Fab's disc key program. A program such as unstoppable copier might do what you need. Good luck.

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