Splitting TV series into episodes

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Splitting TV series into episodes

#1 Post by waterme » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:24 pm


I know this problem goes back a long time, the problem of groups of episodes in one file... I'm currently backing up (and decrypting) a blu ray TV Series so I can use MKVToolNix to remux per episode

Could it not be possible just to back up (and decrypt) just the m2ts files you need?


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Re: Splitting TV series into episodes

#2 Post by Woodstock » Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:04 pm

Backup mode does "everything". It's only when you use the "open" mode that it lets you select individual files... But, as you've noticed, not all series DVDs and BDs separate episodes into their own files.

With DVDs, you can use the "manualdvd" open to tell MakeMKV which chapters to include for each episode, but that isn't available for BD.

So, for right now, you're stuck with post-processing files to break them into episodes, when the disk authors decide to do not-nice things like everything in one file.

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Re: Splitting TV series into episodes

#3 Post by ndjamena » Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:53 am

Re-authoring by segment is sometimes vital. Not only for multiple episode titles but for some Java titles and for removing extraneous components from standard titles.

Like DVD it needs to be pulled off in MKV mode. The DVD option has been there for a while, if Blu Ray isn't there it's because mike hasn't figured out how to pull it off yet.

Blu Ray is a tad more complicated, it's not just rearranging segments, it's the track count as well. As far as I can tell DVD has no real track selection and the titles are constructed from a single set of VOB files which all share a common set of tracks, a common resolution and a common codec. Mixing them together is childs play.

Each segment of a Blu Ray is it's own file with it's own set of tracks, JAVA titles may not have a corresponding playlist to work from and M2TS files can have various track layouts/resolutions and codecs... it makes rearranging the things a bit more difficult.

In the end a manual mode for Blu Ray needs to be able to append any particular M2TS file to any other, but it needs to check if they're compatible as well, and it needs to provide a usable user interface to work from.

You're only looking at the problem from one direction, your solution would work in your particular circumstance, but mike has to look at the bigger picture.

I'm waiting for a solution to this too, but am well aware things get bloody complicated once you take a proper look it from all angles.

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