Has MKV been tested against Mac OS 10,11 "El Capitan"?
Has MKV been tested against Mac OS 10,11 "El Capitan"?
I am considering beginning to test the beta of Mac OS 10.11, but wanted to find out if MKV has been tested against it first?
Re: Has MKV been tested against Mac OS 10,11 "El Capitan"?
If you're participating in a beta test, isn't finding out if software you want to use works with it part of the test?
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MakeMKV Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
Re: Has MKV been tested against Mac OS 10,11 "El Capitan"?
Someone else summed it up quite nicely:

Ritsuka wrote:I hope you are not considering installing the beta as your main and only operating system. That will be an epic fail, for every kind of beta.

Re: Has MKV been tested against Mac OS 10,11 "El Capitan"?
I have not had any problems with MakeMKV under the Beta for El Captain nor Yosemite. Unlike most Betas, these have not proven to be unusable, to the contrary I have been using them every day without any drama. Are they perfect, no. Are they glitch free, no. Do I think that the average user should be using them, no. But on the other hand, its just not been proven to be the disaster I have encountered working professionally with most all operating systems for the past 35 years.