Advanced Track Selection syntax

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Advanced Track Selection syntax

Post by stevenh » Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:20 pm

I've been reading the post which details the advanced track selection and have a few questions.

First an easy one could the attachment syntax [+-]sel:attachment be added in v1.8.8, and any other missing options be added to the Changing default track selection thread so all the info is nicely in one place :)

Now the hard one; selecting the 3d track seems a little odd, possibly broken or a documentation issue, as the following I believe should result in the 3d track being selected:

Code: Select all

This isn't the case and I ended up with the following, where I have to explicitly include the 3d track.

Code: Select all

It seems like favlang|nolang doesn't match mvcvideo tracks like it does with all standard video tracks?

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