Manual track selection and/or order weight using makemkvcon?

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Manual track selection and/or order weight using makemkvcon?

#1 Post by kenneth » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:57 pm


I know that profiles can be used with makemkvcon to select what in most cases would be the proper tracks.

However, is it possible using makemkvcon to manually specify which tracks to include and/or the track order weight for a given title?
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Re: Manual track selection and/or order weight using makemkv

#2 Post by Warrzone » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:03 am

Preferences > General > Select Expert Mode. Then open your disc. Select your audio track. Under Properties in the drop down box (where Name is), select Order Weight. Delete 90. Type 80, and it will come before the others. By default each track is given 90, and it is assigned in the order that it appears. You can renumber other tracks as well, the lower the number, the first they are assigned. You could renumber every track by typing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. This will also reassign the default MKV Flag to the lowest track. If you do not want the lowest track to be the default track, select that track. Then select MKV Flags from the drop down box. Delete "d" from the box. Select the track you want to be default. And Type "d" in as the MKV Flag.

I always use Expert Mode, so I can name my audio tracks and commentaries.

As an aside for those who may not be aware, the MKV Flag "f" is very useful for forced subtitles that are not burned-in in movies like The Wolverine. That way you do not have to open MKVMerge to edit the file afterward.

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Re: Manual track selection and/or order weight using makemkv

#3 Post by kenneth » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:27 pm

Thanks. I'm looking for a way to do this via makemkvcon (command line), though.
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Re: Manual track selection and/or order weight using makemkv

#4 Post by kenneth » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:23 pm

Looking at this topic, using the token highlighted below might work.

However, I'm having trouble getting it to work. I've tried:


But neither works. Anyone have experience with this selection token?
<!-- defaultSelection tokens:
all - always matches
xxx - matches specific language (ISO 639-2B/T code - eng,fra,etc...)
N - matches if Nth (or bigger) track of the same type and language
favlang - matches favorite languages, always matches if no favorite language is set
special - matches if track is special (directors comments, childrens, etc)
video - matches if track is video
audio - matches if track is audio
subtitle - matches if track is subtitle

video tracks:
mvcvideo - matches if track is a 3D multi-view video

audio tracks, special tracks never match:
mono - matches if mono
stereo - matches if stereo
multi - matches if multi-channel
havemulti - matches if track is mono/stereo and there is a multi-channel track in same language
lossy - matches if non-lossless
lossless - matches if lossless
havelossless- matches if non-lossless track, but there is a lossless track in same language
core - matches if this track is core audio, logical part of hd track
havecore - matches if this track is hd track with core audio

subtitle tracks:
forced - matches if track is forced
BatchMKV - free Windows-based batch processing software for MakeMKV

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Re: Manual track selection and/or order weight using makemkv

#5 Post by necrosis » Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:03 pm

I do not think that feature has ever worked.

I have tried it to madness and back.

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