Converting Mkv to Mp4 Without Compromising the Quality ??

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Converting Mkv to Mp4 Without Compromising the Quality ??

Post by farukest » Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:19 pm

I'm converting(encoding) my mkv files to mp4 with AVS Video Converter.It is quick but I'm not happy with AVS. Is there any way to quickly convert mkv to mp4 with same quailty and embed subtitle at the sametime.

AVS V. Converter configuration ; E.g ;
MKV bitrate : 4000
to MP4 bitrate : 3700
the other configuration is same with orginal file.
Quailty is not enough for me..

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Re: Converting Mkv to Mp4 Without Compromising the Quality ?

Post by ndjamena » Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:28 pm

'Same Quality' I could go all sarcastic about that, lossless codecs tend to make rather large files...

If your not happy with the quality then either you're using a filter that's screwing it up or you're not giving it enough bit-rate. Either way, YOU are not using the right settings, stop blaming the software.

Re-encoding is complicated. What are you re-encoding? Is it noisy or grainy? Is it live action or animated? Is it interlaced or progressive? Do you want to deinterlace it or encode it interlaced? Are you interested in cropping off junk or changing the resolution or...?


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Re: Converting Mkv to Mp4 Without Compromising the Quality ?

Post by Fawkes » Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:02 pm


your missunderstanding seems to go deeper
mkv is just a container format that can have a lot of formats inside, mpeg-2, h.264 or even mp4 aka mpeg-4
you might start readind about encoding - its a whole new world :-)
may be a forum a round a conversion tool where things like this are diskussed, they usualy have faq's

makemkv is just a tool to get rid of the aacs/bd+ stuff, the video is just a plain copy of the original in a different container (mkv)

beside this every conversion from a "not lossless" format to another "not lossless" format is a degration of quality (try to open a jpeg, save it as jpeg, open the copy, save it, ... after some steps you will see it easyly)
and guess what h.264, mpeg-4 are ...
so if quality is your major concern, keep it the way makemkv delivers it, storage gets cheaper all the time, what still looks good on todays 1920x1080 tv's might be crap when 4k with upscaling is involved and if you find out that the original bluray looks better on 4k then you will recognise all the time you investet in getting it smaller is lost lifetime, its not new loads of people downsized dvd's to svcd's and mkv's and now they wish they had kept it as good as it was because he last 100k/s they sqweesed was to much for upscaling to hdtv

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Re: Converting Mkv to Mp4 Without Compromising the Quality ?

Post by IrishPrince » Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:16 pm

farukest wrote:I'm converting(encoding) my mkv files to mp4 with AVS Video Converter.It is quick but I'm not happy with AVS. Is there any way to quickly convert mkv to mp4 with same quailty and embed subtitle at the sametime.
You might want to check out MP4 Tools and see if that tool does what you are looking to accomplish.

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Re: Converting Mkv to Mp4 Without Compromising the Quality ?

Post by Smithcraft » Fri May 02, 2014 10:12 am

Also, note that some of the streams that are on the disc, and can be held in the MKV container, can not be used in the MP4 container.


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