User Documentation Needs

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Re: User Documentation Needs

Post by Chetwood »

Walter Lacey wrote:..... tried this effort now with FreeMKV2Dvd, Handbrake, Avi2Dvd DVDStyler, FlickDVD, windoes burn, IMG Burn, all to no avail...... here,(, Avi2Dvd DVDStyler, ).
Funny, DVD Shrink would have done the trick.
Walter Lacey wrote:most profound thing I have learned, has been, a "subtitle" is storage for "Closed Captians for"subtitle" is).
Storage? Closed Captions are a special case of subtitles, almost never found on DVDs.
MultiMakeMKV: MakeMKV batch processing (Win)
MultiShrink: DVD Shrink batch processing
Offizieller Uebersetzer von DVD Shrink deutsch
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Re: User Documentation Needs

Post by ndjamena »

Chetwood wrote:Closed Captions are a special case of subtitles, almost never found on DVDs. wrote:The United Kingdom, Ireland, and most other countries do not distinguish between subtitles and closed captions, and use "subtitles" as the general term—the equivalent of "captioning" is usually referred to as "subtitles for the hard of hearing".
It depends on where you live. I've labelled all my SHD subtitles as Closed Captions, just because it sounds better...
Last edited by ndjamena on Mon May 12, 2014 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Walter Lacey
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Re: User Documentation Needs

Post by Walter Lacey »

ndjamena wrote:
Walter Lacey wrote:Closed Captions are a special case of subtitles, almost never found on DVDs. wrote:The United Kingdom, Ireland, and most other countries do not distinguish between subtitles and closed captions, and use "subtitles" as the general term—the equivalent of "captioning" is usually referred to as "subtitles for the hard of hearing".
It depends on where you live. I've labelled all my SHD subtitles as Closed Captions, just because it sounds better...
Thanks ndjamena for much good info, but I did not write above, "a special case of subtitles, almost never found on DVDs". That was Chetwood's quote.
You were correct in advising DVDStyler. I have moved my problem to a new topic. See, "Failure moving, "Movie.mkv", onto DVD for a dvdplayer."
Posts: 830
Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:23 am

Re: User Documentation Needs

Post by ndjamena »

Sorry, I have no idea how that happened.
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