12 years a slave audio

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12 years a slave audio

#1 Post by Poocher » Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:48 am

Hi, I have just started trying out this software. I tried to make a copy of 12 years a slave. It was successful but I also have audio that is very descriptive. Something that may be for the visually impaired. How does one make sure they get the correct audio? Talks like "slaves standing in a field..." describing the scene.
Thanks for your help!

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Re: 12 years a slave audio

#2 Post by Woodstock » Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:08 am

By default, MakeMKV takes the highest quality audio track for each language, within certain guidelines. When there are multiple tracks for a given language, that means some are left behind. You can modify the selection rules with advanced techniques, but that's not a "first time user" sort of thing. There is a section dedicated to that here on the forum, though.

Short way to do it - After you open the disk, you will see a number of windows within the application that display different things. Left side lists the titles that were found. Click on the little triangle next to the title in this window, and you will see the individual audio and subtitle tracks within the title. Make sure the additional audio tracks are checked, and they will be available to you in the resultant MKV file.

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