Rush Moving Pictures BluRay error.

Please post here for issues related to Blu-ray discs
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:28 am

Rush Moving Pictures BluRay error.

Post by jawilljr »

Code: Select all

MakeMKV v1.8.9 linux(x64-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /home/kjawhtpc/MakeMKV_log.txt
Backing up disc into folder "/home/kjawhtpc/tmp/tmp/backup/Rush - Moving Pictures"
Loaded content hash table, will verify integrity of M2TS files.
Backup done
Opening files on harddrive at /home/kjawhtpc/tmp/tmp/backup/Rush - Moving Pictures
File 00002.mpls was added as title #0
File 00003.mpls was added as title #1
File 00005.mpls was added as title #2
Title #00006.mpls has length of 102 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00007.mpls has length of 37 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00008.mpls has length of 27 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title 01002.mpls is equal to title 00002.mpls and was skipped
Title 01003.mpls is equal to title 00003.mpls and was skipped
Title 01005.mpls is equal to title 00005.mpls and was skipped
Title #01006.mpls has length of 102 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #01007.mpls has length of 37 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #01008.mpls has length of 27 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00000.m2ts has length of 50 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00001.m2ts has length of 90 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00004.m2ts has length of 1 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00006.m2ts has length of 102 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00007.m2ts has length of 37 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #00008.m2ts has length of 27 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Operation successfully completed
Saving 1 titles into directory /home/kjawhtpc/tmp/tmp
DEBUG: Code 1001 at frn)z<#gf: Y*m q5lR:213132744
DEBUG: Code 1164444 at frn)z<#gf: Y*m q5lR:121265936
DEBUG: Code 2948413080 at frn)z<#gf: Y*m q5lR:121265959
DEBUG: Code 0 at &aYgg%;p5#v^A+,zZn6r}:213136447
DEBUG: Code 4203228704 at 0=R(tU@m!*/QW,a@"Ll:29395080
DEBUG: Code 24001 at 0=R(tU@m!*/QW,a@"Ll:213131433
DEBUG: Code 0 at &aYgg%;p5#v^A+,zZn6r}:121266810
DEBUG: Code 0 at &aYgg%;p5#v^A+,zZn6r}:121266810
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 1 to file /home/kjawhtpc/tmp/tmp/Rush_-_Moving_Pictures_t01.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed
Saving 1 titles into directory /home/kjawhtpc/tmp/tmp
DEBUG: Code 1001 at frn)z<#gf: Y*m q5lR:213132744
DEBUG: Code 1164444 at frn)z<#gf: Y*m q5lR:121265936
DEBUG: Code 2948413080 at frn)z<#gf: Y*m q5lR:121265959
DEBUG: Code 0 at &aYgg%;p5#v^A+,zZn6r}:213136447
DEBUG: Code 4203228704 at 0=R(tU@m!*/QW,a@"Ll:29395080
DEBUG: Code 24001 at 0=R(tU@m!*/QW,a@"Ll:213131433
DEBUG: Code 0 at &aYgg%;p5#v^A+,zZn6r}:121266810
DEBUG: Code 0 at &aYgg%;p5#v^A+,zZn6r}:121266810
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 1 to file /home/kjawhtpc/tmp/tmp/Rush_-_Moving_Pictures_t01.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed
Streaming server started, web server address is or http://localhost:51000
UPnP server enabled on address
As you can see I can make a backup and stream the selected just won't rip.

Anything wrong on my end? And I am a registered user.

Thanks in advanced.
mike admin
Posts: 4075
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Re: Rush Moving Pictures BluRay error.

Post by mike admin »

jawilljr wrote:As you can see I can make a backup and stream the selected just won't rip.
A known issue, this track is incorrectly mastered (pause at the start of the track) but MakeMKV fails to work around. This will be fixed, but I'm not sure when.
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