As a Mac user without access to AnyDVD...this is a life saver. For Windows users that don't want to pay for AnyDVD, this will save you money.
I outlined the process for a Mac.
1. Find BD Runtime
- a. Open BD in a 'regular' BD TV player (or however you want to get the exact runtime for YOUR disc). Disc versions are different.
b. Check EXACT runtime once main title starts
- a. Open BD with MakeMKV
b. Select File>Backup- i. Select 'Decrypt video files' option
- a. Click on disc image in MakeMKV or select File>Open Disc
b. Scan list for titles with matching run times
- a. On each 'correct' title, look under "info: Title Information" for the 'Segment map.'
b. Write down the segments for each 'correct' title, ignoring duplicates
- a. Go to the backup of the disc
b. Right click on the BDMV file- i. Select 'Show Package Contents'
d. Open the segments determined under 'Find correct segments' (#4) above
e. Watch the first few seconds (I used VLC on my Mac, TempGuy1 uses Windows Media Player on a Win 7 machine)...then scrub to last few seconds. Some segments with different segment numbers might appear these segments all the way through to check carefully for any discrepancies.
f. Put the segments in order logically
e. Choose the title (from your predetermined list of titles with the correct runtime) that exactly matches the segment order you just determined.
Or a simpler way might be to complete the outline above through step 3, then for step 4 copy the exact order of each segment map to a text file with it's .mpls filename for each runtime matching title. Then go to the backup and start checking correct segment order for each title. Check the first segment, then the second, etc. As soon as you come to a segment that is out of order...exclude that title. And exclude any other titles with similar orders up to that point. When you have several segments you've determined are in the correct order...exclude other titles that don't have THAT starting order. It won't be long until the list has dwindled to the correct title.