Sony TV, Stream from NAS, CRASH/FREEZE!

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Sony TV, Stream from NAS, CRASH/FREEZE!

Post by gee21 »


Sorry my English is not really good. I Hope you undertsand my Problem.

I Have a Sony TV (55W805A). This TV Streams Movies from my NAS Server. I can Stream MKV, MP4 and more....
But when i Stream the MKV created by your Tool (Make MKV) then my Sony TV Crashes! I Must unplugg the Power Adaptor from my TV.

I have tried to "repair" the MKV with MKVToolNix. Then i can play the MKV but only the Audio, No Video

Can you Helph me? Whats "wrong" with this mkv files?

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Sony TV, Stream from NAS, CRASH/FREEZE!

Post by Woodstock »

A general "it crashes" is not helpful. We would need to know what title or titles are causing the problem, whether they were ripped from DVD or BD, what CODEC was used to encode the video, etc.

A player (the computer within your TV in this case) has file formats and CODECs it understands. If the file is not a format it recognizes, or contains a CODEC it does not understand, you will get unpredictable results.

Some times it makes a difference whether the file is played from a USB drive attached to the player, or across a network. In the case of Samsung TVs, the file extension used makes a difference - a .MKV file can be played from a USB drive, but it must have a different file extension (.AVI seems to work) to play the same file across the network.
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Re: Sony TV, Stream from NAS, CRASH/FREEZE!

Post by gee21 »

Thank you.

When i start a other *.mkv file. My TV play this correctly. (example a downloaded *.mkv). so i think my tv can play mkv files

When i start a *.mkv file created with "Make MKV" then try my tv to load the Video but he load and load and load..... No Button on the Remote Controll have a function. (Then i must unplugg my tv from the Power)

Can i Select the Codec to be used in "MakeMKV"? (How can i see wich codec will be used/is installed?)
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Re: Sony TV, Stream from NAS, CRASH/FREEZE!

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV copies what it finds on the disk to the MKV file. It does not generally change how an audio or video stream is encoded.

There is an exception that you can change certain types of "lossless" audio streams found on Bluray disks to be encoded with the FLAC CODEC. That requires turning on advanced settings, and selecting the "FLAC" profile.

In your case, though, we still do not know the source of your file. Since the video CODEC used on DVDs is well standardized, I will have to assume you are dealing with a Bluray Disk (BD).

When you open the disk in MakeMKV, next to the track name on the left side, there is a little triangle. Click on that, and it will show you information about the video, audio, and subtitle streams within the track. What does it show next to "Video"?
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Re: Sony TV, Stream from NAS, CRASH/FREEZE!

Post by gee21 »

Thanks for your Answer

But i have 49 different DVD Copy's created (Example: Armageddon, BlackHawkDown, THe Thin Red Line, Empire State, etc etc)

By ALL MKV's i have the Same Problem... TV will load and load and load

I have allready tried in Options FLAC / WDTV but makes no difference.
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