File size reduction

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File size reduction

#1 Post by GeePee » Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:30 pm

I had the impression that MakeMKV had the ability to reduce the file size of the original DVD/Blueray file to users need. Cannot find this function, so I presume I was wrong.
Anyone confirm or deny my impression?

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Re: File size reduction

#2 Post by Romansh » Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:08 pm

I can confirm that MakeMKV doesn't and has never supported re-encoding.

The only way to reduce the file size with it is removing streams you don't need/want (keeping only English audio tracks and removing the rest, for example).

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Re: File size reduction

#3 Post by GeePee » Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:41 am

Thank you. That answers my question. On my first uses of MakeMKV it worked fine and I seem to remember that I did remove the un-necessary audio.

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Re: File size reduction

#4 Post by Gadgetman! » Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:17 pm

Removing audio streams won't really reduce the files all that much.
(We still do it, though)

Running HandBrake or a similar encoder, though...

With the default settings, HB will reduce the filesize to one fourth or less.
(Working on the Jeeves & Wooster TV series right now, and 2.2 GB files end up between 500 and 600MB. )
There are some exceptions, though, such as the old Charlie Chaplin B/W movies which doesn't really reduce all that much.
Mac Mini, 2005 with superdrive, 2GB RAM, 80GB SSD, Core2Duo 2.16GHz CPU...
2 x LG USB DVD-drives and 'old spiteful' an IDE-based DVD-reader from a desktop connected to the internals of an old FW-HDD.
Writes Sci-fi:

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