Combining titles into a single, viewable, burnable file

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Combining titles into a single, viewable, burnable file

Post by darrenwynnejones » Sun Jul 28, 2013 3:33 pm

Hi all,

I am new to ripping DVDs and have a question.

When I converted and saved a DVD - (one of the multiple discs from The Pacific box set) - it saved as 5 separate titles, eg. title00, title01, etc.

Is there any way to just copy / compress the whole DVD so that it works as the original does?

I am having to add the titles to VLC Player playlist so they run concurrently.

The files are also incredibly large. I am trying to store them on an external HD and am fast running out of space...

Many thanks in advance. :)

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Re: Combining titles into a single, viewable, burnable file

Post by Smithcraft » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:40 pm

The files are the same size that they are on the disc.

If you are saying that you want menus, then no, you can't get there from here.

If you want the files combined into one big file, then the beauty of the Matroska format is the mkvtoolnix application which will let you append the files together.

If you want to make the files smaller, then Handbrake is your friend.



Re: Combining titles into a single, viewable, burnable file

Post by doncht » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:02 pm

If you want the files combined into one big file, then the beauty of the Matroska format is the mkvtoolnix application which will let you append the files together.
Thanks. Additionally, is there a guide on how to use/set up mkvtoolnix?

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