DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

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DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by lancorp » Mon Feb 18, 2013 3:22 pm

In ripping my own commercial (non-rental) BD's, when I choose the biggest title to rip, and I expand to see the contents, usually DTS-Lossless is unchecked, and DTS 3/2+2 English is checked.

Does that mean the disk does not have a DTS-Lossless track, or should I be putting a checkmark next to it to get the lossless audio track?
Also, the JPG attachment...is that OK to include?

Lastly, when there are multiple titles with the same large size, and I'm trying to identify which one to rip, is there a method? Sometimes I will see four, say, 27.0GB titles, and two will have "19 chapters" in the title,
and others will just say "27.0GB". Are they all identical? It is a trial and error to determine which is which?

Thanks for the help. I am setting up a XBMC system and so far am impressed with the ease of making this work. As soon as my 4TB drive shows up today, it'll be time for some serious ripping! :)

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Re: DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by Woodstock » Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:20 pm

It means that most people don't take the lossless track, because a lot of playback software/hardware can't handle it, so the default is to not select it.

If your equipment can handle it, by all means select it, in addition to or in place of the others.

mike admin
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Re: DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by mike admin » Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:50 am

You can change default selection rule to anything, see http://www.makemkv.com/forum2/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4386

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Re: DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by luangm1 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:20 pm

To OP, I recommend select the Lossless HD track and deselect the core audio track every time.
If you have both selected, you will get duplicate tracks. (i.e. Lossless actually contains the core track (640kbps) in itself for backward compatibility, you can confirm using MediaInfo)

For XBMC 12, its natively decoded, for XBMC 11, it's automatically downmixed.
Same for MediaBrowser, MediaPortal, Plex. The notion that its not supported only applies when BD standard first came out 5 years+ ago. Nowadays there is nothing that don't support it in Windows World. And XMBC For The Win! Still the best interface by far compare to the rest.

For the other question, make sure you select the one with "Chapters" if you can.
MakeMKV first look into playlists on BDMV structure, which contains chapter markers. Sometimes it also picks up individual m2ts files by themselves (which do not contain chapter markers, as its another m2ts file). You want the chapters because that's how the movie maker intended. You may also find sometimes the one without chapters are also missing some tracks (they are marked as hidden). You can find more information using BDinfo and/or BDedit.

Happy Ripping! I have 500+ BDs/TV series ripped using MakeMKV since the early days. I only keep Main feature, HD track and Eng sub. Generally the result size is between 19GB and 25GB. I'm at 12TB spanning 5x3TB Portable WD HDDs attached to a basic mini HTPC unit with XBMC 12 attached to my TV. The result is awesome!

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Re: DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by captain » Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:06 pm

Ok, so I found http://www.makemkv.com/forum2/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4386 but I'm not sure what to put into the configuration line under Advanced to turn on:
1) Always select the HD audio (and NOT AC3/stereo/etc if they're in the HD stream)
2) Always select the Original Language audio (in HD if available, and NOT AC3/stereo/etc if they're in the HD stream)
3) Always rip English subtitles
4) Always rip the 3D version, if available. (Do we need to also rip the 2D version, or is that included in the 3D by default?)

Is this close, or do we need something else?


Sorry if this is obvious and I'm just an idiot. Thanks for helping! :-)

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Re: DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by matthelm » Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:25 pm


I too would rather have the lossless selected. So, is his settings correct?

(Though I'd rather only have the English audio, only. (I think I can figure that one out))

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Re: DTS-Lossless usually unchecked?

Post by NodNarb012 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:08 pm

Code: Select all

As long as you set the preferred language to English in preferences, that will select only the lossless audio in English along with all English subtitles. It does NOT select the 3D track. To get that you would need to use the following:

Code: Select all

Hope that helps.

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