No subs when streaming with Beamer to AppleTV

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No subs when streaming with Beamer to AppleTV

Post by bosse »

When using MakeMKV I choose the subtitles I need and when playing the movie with VLC it works just fine. When I use Beamer to stream the movie to AppleTV I get no subs from the same movie file. Beamer is supposed to handle subs and when I convert the same movie with Handbrake, Beamer can show the subs. Why is it like this? Do I miss something when using MakeMKV? It?s so much faster then Handbrake so I really would like to use it.
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Re: No subs when streaming with Beamer to AppleTV

Post by Woodstock »

When you convert with handbrake, are you writing it with the AppleTV profile? If so, you're converting the MKV to an MP4, which AppleTV understands directly.
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Re: No subs when streaming with Beamer to AppleTV

Post by bosse »

Thank's for your reply!
With Beamer you can stream almost any type of movie to ATV - avi, mkv, mov etc. That's why it is such a nice piece of software, and the lagging is much less than with airplay.
I hope someone out there in cyberspace has a solution for missing subs or I will be forced to use Handbrake ( also a nice piece of software!)
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