Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

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Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

Post by cinemacoma » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:39 pm

Oddest behavior when I went to convert the kids HTv blu to save it from monsterous handling.

It appears to have backed up fine. No errors. No troubles whatsoever.

Playback goes fine until 38 min or so (right when count is throwing the kid out for any one that knows the film) then it slows to a sludge like crawl.

Not stopped mind you, just slow as a snail, skipping a frame or two while chugging along.

Cineva disc I believe but its not stopping playback nor is there a message of any kind. Just sludge like behavior.

Also, pretty sure my gen 1 WDTV live doesnt roll cineva anyway.

Any thoughts? I would have dug up logs but theres no failure really. Each of the 3 or so times Ive converted it its been just as any other blu.

Also seems only one playlist so I cant have messed that up, I think.
Im stumped.

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Re: Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

Post by cinemacoma » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:53 pm

Ok so updated to the latest MKV as Ive been remiss since it dropped. Ran the blu through a 4th time.

Now its fine as frogs hair. :lol:

Im not 100% on this as I havent (and dont) have time to watch the entire film but I sped up to the tricky parts and it seemed to roll on fine.

I thought to delete my post but there may be a soul out there going through my same situation. Update your software bra. :lol:

Lets mark it temp solved for now. Ill report back if I hear screaming/crying or other obnoxious child noises from the viewing room. (indicating movie stoppage/stuckage)

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Re: Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

Post by setarip_old » Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:41 am

Since you say the older version of MakeMKV fully ripped the Blu-ray without any eror notifications, I doubt that using an updated version is what cured the problem. I'd sooner suspect that either you cleaned the disc or some microscopic lint (or oil)fell off the laser between copies...

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Re: Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

Post by cinemacoma » Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:07 am

setarip_old wrote:Since you say the older version of MakeMKV fully ripped the Blu-ray without any eror notifications, I doubt that using an updated version is what cured the problem. I'd sooner suspect that either you cleaned the disc or some microscopic lint (or oil)fell off the laser between copies...

I agree. No real magic to the new v. old version. In tonights viewback, same behavior. Sludged uo at 28 minutes.

MKV was made from a just unwrapped blu ray on release day so can't think I added any trash to the disc (Im careful in handling pre-backup)

Same process as always

Makemkv > Full disc backup (no errors) > Make the Mkv for the server off of said backup. (no errors on that run either)

Im really confounded. Multiple runs off multiple full disc backups (Ive held everyone so far as a precaution) have resulted in same behavior.

Never seen anything like it before. Even off of my pre backing up (so kids mishandled) discs.


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Re: Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

Post by cinemacoma » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:37 pm

Tried everything I know to do and no dice. Still cant figure this out. 28 minutes and it goes 1/10th speed. Will keep gping on as long as your will allows.

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Re: Hotel Transylvania - not an error per se

Post by setarip_old » Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:16 am

Return your original, commercial disc to the place of purchase in exchange for a new replacement...

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