3D MVC Option

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#46 Post by maximus83 » Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:54 pm

jctcom wrote:Is it possible to get a list of the programs that will play the 3D MKV files created by MakeMKV? Even if they are not open source?

Thank you.

Anybody know of any players for the mac that will play full frame packed 3D, like the files make mkv make?

I know anyDVD will for windows.

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#47 Post by xanadu38 » Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:21 pm

Hi folks,

I am new to this forum but have been happily using MakeMKV for some time to convert my DVD/Blu-ray library to store on my HP Microserver. All has been working perfectly so far.... I have Serviio streaming out DNLA content which my Samsumg (8000 series) 3D SmartTV picks and and displays quite happily. However, I have just tried ripping my first 3D disc but can only seem to get it to display in 2D?!

I did select the 3D video track when ripping but I cannot see any options in serviio or on the tv to display the 3D track... Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on what I could try? All help would be greatly appreciated :)


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Re: 3D MVC Option

#48 Post by ant75 » Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:20 pm

Hi everyone. I have just gone through my 3D movies and converted them with MakeMKV to 3D MKV format. I noticed that some of the movies converted fine and showed up as stereo when I select file properties in my player. (I use Pot Player - Similar to Media Player Classic Home Cinema)

However, many others are not showing up as stereo at all in the properties section. It looks as if they are just 2D with no 3D info preserved? Must be a bug in MakeMKV? I will send the *.CLPI files for these if it will help in development.

Obviously, like everyone else I have found no way of actually playing the MKV 3D files in 3D yet. Power DVD 12 does not play them back in proper 3D. It does a horrible 2D to 3D simulation effect as if the files were only 2D. Obviously, it just isn't supporting MKV 3D yet and is treating the files as if they are only 2D. This is what all the other players I have tried do.

The player that may first add 3d MKV support may be Stereoscopic player. It can play back blu-ray 3D .SSIF files in 3D from unencrypted disks. They automatically work since it recognizes them as 3D and MVC and knows how to handle this. However, at present (version 1.9.5) it does not seem to auto detect the MVC stream in MKV's even though this is the same as the SSIF files. These are treated as other files and a manual 3D selection pops up. Unfortunately, the manual selection doesn't give us an MVC option since I guess this is supposed to be auto detected and never need to be manually selected. (Bluray 3D is standardized and always encoded in the same way.)

So we can't manually select the correct option to play back the MKV 3D's. Dam.... Got close though. Maybe I should send an email to them, since it would be very minor for them to add support for MKV 3D.....

Anyway, will send the *.CLPI files to help MakeMKV support. It will be really great to get all the 3D playback working from MKV!

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#49 Post by ant75 » Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:02 pm

I sent the following email to the team at Stereoscopic Player:

To: office@3dtv.at
Subject: MakeMKV 3D

Hello to everyone.

I have been using MakeMKV to create some MKV files from 3D blurays. (http://makemkv.com/) MakeMKV does this without any re-encoding of the video. No blu-ray quality is lost. It allows MKV's to store the original 3D info in the MVC stream just as bluray does with the *.SSIF files.

Therefore MKV's with the 3D MVC stream should playback just as blu-ray SSIF files do. (Full quality, auto 3D detection etc) However, Stereoscopic player does not seam to recognize the MVC streams in the MKV files. A dialog pops up asking how to play the file in 3D? The problem is the correct 3D option (MVC as in SSIF files) is not listed. This is meant to be auto detected like it is with SSIF files I guess. (Bluray is standardized and always encoded the same way...) No manual option is thought necessary. Fair enough, however, you need to add support to automatically detect the MVC stream in other file type containers such as MKV. (A manual option override properly wouldn't hurt as well however.)

So I guess this is all turning into a feature request. Please add MKV MVC 3D support!

And got the following reply:

Dear Anthony,
Thzanks for your email!

You are right, the MKV splitter of the Steresocopic Player currently doesn’t support MVC. I’ve put it on the to-do list.

Best regards,



Peter Wimmer

Wankm?llerhofstr. 9
4020 Linz



So we may be able to get some 3D MKV MVC playback happening real soon!

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#50 Post by SamuriHL » Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:26 am

It's also on madshi's todo list for madVR. Rendering is only part of the equation, but, it's a significant part. No idea when that'll happen, but, it seems 3D is beginning to see some love in the community.

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#51 Post by pwimmer » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:03 am

Hi to everybody,

Let me quickly introduce myself - I'm the Stereoscopic Player developer and currently working on MKV-MVC support for the player. I'm posting here because I can't find any spec out there for MVC content in the Matroska container. Matroska.org covers only backward-compatible stereo formats (side-by-side, over/under, ...), but not MVC.

So far I’ve found out (by analyzing files created by MakeMKV) that there is no separate track entry for MVC, so I guess the two views are merged into a single track (like its done in the MP4 container).

What I’m missing, however, is the subset SPS and the second PPS in the codec private data.

In the MP4 container, this issue has been solved with the mvcC atom that exists in addition to the avcC atom if it is a MVC file.

So the question is, where does the Matroska container store the subset SPS and the second PPS? Or do I have to parse the bitstream for the subset NALs like in a MPEG transport stream? But that would not be a good design, because all information describing the format and required to select the proper decoder should be in the headers. I would expect a CodecPrivateEx or CodecPrivateMvc element with the additional data for MVC (subset SPS, 2nd PPS) besides the CodecPrivate element that holds the backward compatible data for AVC (SPS, PPS). Does anybody know if such an element exists?

Best regards,

Peter Wimmer
Wankm?llerhofstr. 9
4020 Linz


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Re: 3D MVC Option

#52 Post by crowfax » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:24 am

Hi Peter,

You may want to PM "Mike Admin" as well as emailing support@makemkv.com in order to draw his attention to your request for information.
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Re: 3D MVC Option

#53 Post by jayper » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:43 am

Would love to see Stereoscopic player add the ability to playback these files.

If it happens, instant buy for me! Happy to see official dev support looking into this issue!

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#54 Post by sua-88 » Sat Dec 01, 2012 6:11 pm

hi there,

I just bought an A-400 popcorn device (which is MVC 3D capable), and I tryed to read a 3D mkv (avengers) that I made with "makemkv" .
the result is that I have the dts-hd audio track working correctly, but no image!(black screen), and after 1 minute the device crash.

what do you think, the problem comes from the popcorn player , or I have done something wrong

or maybe, it's because I am still using the trial version!

thanks for your help

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#55 Post by dbone1026 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:11 pm

sua-88 wrote:hi there,

I just bought an A-400 popcorn device (which is MVC 3D capable), and I tryed to read a 3D mkv (avengers) that I made with "makemkv" .
the result is that I have the dts-hd audio track working correctly, but no image!(black screen), and after 1 minute the device crash.

what do you think, the problem comes from the popcorn player , or I have done something wrong

or maybe, it's because I am still using the trial version!

thanks for your help
The A-400 (Sigma) currently does not support MVC in mkvs. This was asked about on the NMT site and was basically told that Syabas will look in to but it is low on the list.

Right now the Mede8er X3D supports the MakeMKV created MVC MKV without issues (I tested a few so far)

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#56 Post by spl147 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 5:04 pm

i have the same issue with nitro circus 3D no mvc option in makemkv 1.7.9....

files and a log sent....

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#57 Post by pwimmer » Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:49 am

Good news: Stereoscopic Player 1.9.6 supports Matroska files with MVC codec. All files created by recent versions of MakeMKV should work - if not, please let me know. You can download the player from http://www.3dtv.at/Downloads

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#58 Post by ksbarnz » Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:55 pm

That is awesome news! I've downloaded the player and but am unable to get it to work with any of the mkv's I have made of 3d blu-rays. Has anyone else had any luck? Not 100% sure what I need to set the viewing method to in the player. My setup is two Nvidia 560's in SLI, I've enabled 3D in the Nvidia Control panel, just unable to view the mkv's in 3D. I've tried SBS, over under, etc. Is there a different option we should select in the player?

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#59 Post by cozzmo » Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:03 pm

3D MKV made with MakeMKV will be a Frame Packed arrangement (not sure what that program says for options as i don't have 3D on my computer), not side by side or over under.

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Re: 3D MVC Option

#60 Post by ksbarnz » Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:45 pm

Yeah, that is what I assumed as well. Frame packed. Just not seeing anything related to it in the players settings.

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