MakeMKV Throttles?

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MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by sovanbu » Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:47 pm

I'm thinking of purchasing a higher read drive, currently own a 4X, to rip from MakeMKV.

My question or concern is, does MakeMKV throttle or where does the bottleneck occur when ripping from an external drive to my hard drive?

The 4X read maxes out in MakeMKV at 2.2X so I'm not sure where the bottle neck is occuring.

I'm afraid to waste money on a 12X Read USB 3.0 Blu Ray drive if MakeMKV simply won't read that fast.

Btw I have a i7 2.7GHz processor so I'm hoping that's not the issue.

Any help or feedback is appreciate.

Thank you!

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Re: MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by crowfax » Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:49 pm

Your drive probably has riplock protection.

MakeMKV will rip as fast as the optical drive can read and your hard drive can write.
Home Theater PC: Assassin HTPC, XBMCbuntu 12.0 (Frodo), Intel i5 3570k 3.4 GHz Ivy Bridge w/ HD 4000, LG BD-ROM
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Re: MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by sovanbu » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:00 pm

Do you recommend a good 12X Blu Ray drive that will not have that protection enabled?

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Re: MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by joe42 » Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:47 pm

I don't think there is a drive that can read dual layer (DL) BD-ROMs at 12X.

Note that a drive advertised as 12X generally indicates it can write a single layer (SL) BD-R at 12X. Usually the DL BD-ROM read speed is slower than that.

I have an LG WH10LS30 and LG WH12LS38 that can read DL BD-ROMs at 8X (I don't think there are any faster DL reading drives, but several are capable of 8X) and SL BD-ROMs at 10X.

Note that those drives are afflicted with riplock and I had to patch the firmware to get them to rip at full speed.

I noticed that LG's latest model, WH14NS40 has a spec-sheet indicating it can read SL BD-ROMs at 12X (although DL BD-ROMs are still 8X). However, I don't know if there is a patch available to remove the riplock from that model.

If I were you, I would just look for a model with an 8X spec for DL BD-ROMs, and make sure it either does not have riplock, or that a patch exists to remove riplock. As of a year or so ago, I know that several Lite-On models did not have riplock, and had pretty good speeds.

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MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by nicholfd » Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:27 pm

The bottleneck is in the technology. The rated speed is under perfect conditions at just the right position on the disk. I have a "12x" drive connected via FireWire. I consistently rip at only 5-6x. This is with a current generation Mac Mini.

I have top of the line home built PC. It has an equivalently rated internal drive, of a different brand. It only rips at 4-5x consistently.

The rated speed is "up to".

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Re: MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by DaveQ » Mon Sep 03, 2012 1:58 pm

Read the whole thread... the last post being the most relevant:



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Re: MakeMKV Throttles?

Post by rockstartower » Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:17 pm ... 04_s00_i00

Never had a problem with this one. I rip blu-rays in ~10 minutes. I'm running 3.4ghz quad core i7 though, so keep that into consideration with the short rip time.

So far I have not been able to rip one blu-ray. The reader always got stuck on the same part. The disc has an obvious scratch, was a short but deep scratch and it failed every time I tried, other than that it has worked extremely fast for lots of blu-rays.

Edit: I just checked, the last one I ripped actually was just a 45 minute episode for a season that took 10 minutes. A normal full size blu-ray takes 25-30 minutes for me.

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