Player or Programm to see the complete subtitles?

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Player or Programm to see the complete subtitles?

Post by torro14 »

I use MakeMKV to rip my blurays. Now I have some movies which contain forced subtitles for foreign languages(for example Inglourious Basterds, the parts which are spoken in french should be subtitled).

The non-forced subtitles i don't need/want. Easiest way to get the forced subtitles to the mkv file would be to check the "forced-subtitles" checkbox in MakeMKV, but for nearly all my BluRays this is not working correctly. Most times the Discs contains 3 german subtitle tracks, and the 3. Subtitle track is the one with the "forced subtitles".....

What I'm doing now is to add all 3 german subtitle tracks in MakeMKV and extract the 2 tracks I don't need afterwards with MKVToolNix, using "try and error" to find the track with only forced subtitles.....

My question is: Is there a player/programm which can list me a complete subtitle track from mkv-file, so that I can read the subtitles and choose which is the correct track?

Or is it even possible to get the subtitles(as list/string whatever) in MakeMKV befor creating the mkv-file?
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Re: Player or Programm to see the complete subtitles?

Post by paulster »

torro14 wrote:My question is: Is there a player/programm which can list me a complete subtitle track from mkv-file, so that I can read the subtitles and choose which is the correct track?
Not that I've heard of, but it would be really useful.

In cases like this I use eac3to to extract the subtitle tracks from the MKV and then load them into bdsup2sub so I can take a look at them and see which ones are director's comments, which are forced, etc.

Then I just remux with MKVtoolnix to get rid of ones I don't want, and to re-order the remaining ones correctly.

It's a little time-consuming but at least you actually get to see all the subtitles to ensure you make the right decisions.
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