Blu-Ray Chapters

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Blu-Ray Chapters

Post by jamiedm »

Hi -

I'm trying to make a mkv file from a blu-ray disc (any disc really) and the file is created OK but the chapter markers don't copy over. Is there a setting I need to check for this to happen?


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Re: Blu-Ray Chapters

Post by Woodstock »

What program are you using that says there are no chapter markers? They should be in there - and programs like Handbrake and VLC see them just fine, whether the source is a DVD or BD, in my experience. In fact, I don't remember any settings that would remove them.

That said, there are programs that ignore the chapter markers in MKV files.
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Re: Blu-Ray Chapters

Post by jamiedm »

I use makemkv to make the mkv file, then open that in handbrake. The file looks complete, vbut there's only the 1 chapter. (chapter 1 of 1)
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Re: Blu-Ray Chapters

Post by Woodstock »

A different question - are you doing a BACKUP of the BD, or OPEN then save the titles?

When MakeMKV saves a track as an MKV file, the chapter markers are there... But, I just looked at a decrypted M2TS file from a backup of Avatar, and both HB and VLC say there are no chapters in it.

On Handbrake itself, you may find that the "release" version is surprisingly limited in its support for BD, compared to the Nightly Builds. But, in this case, the BD backup file says "one chapter" when loaded in HB.
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Re: Blu-Ray Chapters

Post by phase52010 »

If you're not to fussed over where the chapter markers go, there is a (Windows only) program called "MKV Chaperizer" that will insert a chapter marker at the predetermined interval of your choice. I find 5 minutes works well. It's free, so worth a look.
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