Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

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Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by djesteban » Wed May 30, 2012 9:29 pm


I need to mux a blu-ray h264 elementary stream using MakeMKV. Is there a way to do this. I even tried creating a "fake blu-ray" using txMuxer only to load the index.bdmv from that in order to create a mkv but with no avail (it fails to process and create the mkv though it can read the index fine since it shows the content in the MakeMKV GUI).
Now, the reason I am trying to do that is to prove a bug in mkvtoolnix, so I can't mux the sample using mmg.exe.

Please help!

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by setarip_old » Thu May 31, 2012 12:52 am

I need to mux a blu-ray h264 elementary stream using MakeMKV.
What other type(s) of stream(s) are you trying to multiplex the videostream with (audio, what format? subtitles, what format?)

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by djesteban » Thu May 31, 2012 2:47 am

setarip_old wrote: Hi!
I need to mux a blu-ray h264 elementary stream using MakeMKV.
What other type(s) of stream(s) are you trying to multiplex the videostream with (audio, what format? subtitles, what format?)
None, I only want to mux the video stream

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by setarip_old » Thu May 31, 2012 5:57 pm

None, I only want to mux the video stream

"Mux" is short for multiplex - and that means to mix two or more streams together...

What exactly are you trying to create?

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by djesteban » Thu May 31, 2012 6:34 pm

setarip_old wrote:
None, I only want to mux the video stream

"Mux" is short for multiplex - and that means to mix two or more streams together...

What exactly are you trying to create?

Ok, sorry if I used the wrong word, but what I want to do is just put a h264 elementary stream in a mkv container... so just that video stream, no audio, no subs.
The reason I want to do that is to prove a bug in mmg.exe (mkvtoolnix). Basically, I found a movie that I originally muxed (yes with audio and all) with mmg.exe and it displayed some sort of stutter at one place in the movie. After converting the blu-ray with MakeMKV, the movie didn't display that problem.
So, I took the original h264 file from the blu-ray and cut a sample with DGindexNV.
Now, if I convert that sample with mmg.exe, it still display the stutter (obviously). What I am trying to achieve now is to convert that small h264 sample to mkv using MakeMKV to prove that the error comes from mmg.exe...

I hope that clear things out
Thanks in advance

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by Romansh » Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:41 pm

MakeMKV should be able to open some MKV files. What I'd do is the following:

1) remux your source file with mkvmerge, including only the video track (buggy sample)

2) open that MKV in makeMKV, and remux (bug-free ample)

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by tanders12 » Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:06 pm

If you're going to be doing this sort of thing often (or even if you just want more control over your media files) I highly recommend learning how to use ffmpeg or a similar tool.

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by djesteban » Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:01 pm

Romansh wrote:MakeMKV should be able to open some MKV files. What I'd do is the following:

1) remux your source file with mkvmerge, including only the video track (buggy sample)

2) open that MKV in makeMKV, and remux (bug-free ample)
I have just tried that, and this is the message I get:
Copy Complete. 0 titles saved, 1 failed.
... and no file gets created...

I really wish the command line utility of MakeMKV would be more flexible like the ability to create mkv from elementary stream... (because I understand it doesn't from the total silence of mods since my last post...)

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by SamuriHL » Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:09 pm

If you want a rather painful way to do it, use tsMuxer and output an AVCHD folder structure. Then you can read that folder structure with MakeMKV and output an MKV.

(And what I means is add the elementary streams to tsMuxer and output an AVCHD folder)

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by djesteban » Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:17 pm

SamuriHL wrote:If you want a rather painful way to do it, use tsMuxer and output an AVCHD folder structure. Then you can read that folder structure with MakeMKV and output an MKV.

(And what I means is add the elementary streams to tsMuxer and output an AVCHD folder)
Tried that already, and I get the same error message... Really weird

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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by SamuriHL » Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:35 pm

Have you only tried with one source? I'd start to suspect there's something wrong with your streams.

mike admin
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Re: Muxing elementary stream using MakeMKV

Post by mike admin » Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:13 pm

MakeMKV should be able to open MKV file with h.264 stream. Please enable debug messages in preferences for diagnostics.

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