Dude, where's my 5.1?

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Dude, where's my 5.1?

Post by peteyx » Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:07 pm

I was looking thru my 100+ movies ripped with makemkv recently. I noticed that MOST of them are in 2.0 audio. Just a few show 5.1. When I rip, I chose the one large file to save and not the other small files. Is that where the other audio options are stored? Or is there something else I need to do?

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Re: Dude, where's my 5.1?

Post by ryanjk333 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:52 am

You may have a little re-ripping to do...

Provided the DVDs in question contained a 5.1 audio track, MakeMKV will rip and include the track, IF you select it.

When ripping, you need to check the box next to the title you want to rip (which it sounds like you did), THEN click the little triangle just to the left of the checkbox, and it will expand so that you can see and check/uncheck any audio tracks or subtitle tracks that are available for that title. That's where you'll want to check the 5.1 audio track (if available) if it isn't already checked by default.

I hope that all makes sense...
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Re: Dude, where's my 5.1?

Post by peteyx » Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:40 pm

Thanks for the insight, you are correct. But I have to ask, why is the default setting that the AC3 (or whatever) box unchecked? I reripped a couple DVDs and had to expand the triangle then check the box so I wouldn't be stuck with 2.0 audio.

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Re: Dude, where's my 5.1?

Post by ryanjk333 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:41 am

peteyx wrote:Thanks for the insight, you are correct. But I have to ask, why is the default setting that the AC3 (or whatever) box unchecked? I reripped a couple DVDs and had to expand the triangle then check the box so I wouldn't be stuck with 2.0 audio.
The only audio that usually is unchecked by default for me that I actually want checked is the HD audio track on blu ray discs. Regular DTS and DD 5.1 track(s) on DVDs and blu rays are usually already checked for me. Are you using the current version of MakeMKV (1.7.3)? Make sure you are up-to-date, then go into Preferences and go to the Language tab. Choose your preferred language from both dropdown menus. Click Apply and OK, close and re-open the program and load a disc to see if that solved your problem.

If not, in Preferences under the Advanced tab, you can modify the Default selection rule box to meet your needs, though I'm not entirely sure on the exact syntax you would need there, so hopefully someone else here can shed some light on this for you.
MakeMKV registered!
LG External 12x Super Multi Blue Lightscribe Blu-Ray Rewriter BE12LU30
Popcorn Hour C-200

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