MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

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MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

Post by captain »

I shouldn't have restarted the app, but makemkvcon is still freezing up and requiring a manual kill (probably a topic I should go find and revive). Upon restart, though, I get "Evaluation period has expired. Please purchase an activation key if you've found this application useful. You may still use all free functionality without any restrictions." or something like that. The key T-Xwoud0YHASWPrg98zLI4q2X1wdsuFg1AUfZpHj2YKVxeX3xrrJ0TRoKBx81qH4mE42 no longer works, despite ostensibly being good "through the end of February".

And, as everyone knows, my experience with the Dutch sales company that Mike likes was a total fiasco, so I cannot buy my own valid-forever key. Waaaa. :-P

Do we have Mike's email address? Maybe I could just paypal him $50 directly and he'd be kind enough to email me a code.... hrmmm.

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Re: MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

Post by captain »

Mike, I really appreciate the software you've made. It saves my ass daily. I have contributed much time and energy to beta testing and making constructive suggestions. I like MakeMKV so much that I wanted to give you $50, which is a lot for me these days (and, yes, I'd like to not have to deal with the Beta License any more).
I give up Mike. Your money collectors are crooks. Send me your email address and I'll PayPal you *directly*.

Please forgive me for what follows.

I've moved everything here, rather than fill the forums with vitriol which is absolutely deserved, and rather than totally delete it all. I'm sorry that it has come to this, but Mike, and potential customers, have a need to know. I do not trust these Avangate people as far as I can throw them. Their demands reek of fraud. The letters from the Nigerian prince make more sense.
Does Mike also have to send out the purchased keys, once Avangate tells him the money is in the bank? I assumed that Avangate would send me the key, but no joy, just a "Yep, we got your money." message. At least I *finally* managed to get some money off to Mike. That was the hardest time I have *ever* had getting money from one place to another. :-P

BELAY THAT!! AAARGH!!! WTF is Avangate's problem???
"Payment was authorized by the bank. The order is under evaluation. You will receive additional information by email concerning the order review."


Avangate appears to either be a fraudulent entity, or it is run by a bunch of stupid jackasses. Once again, I triple checked every BIT of data. My shipping address is COMPLETE and matches my billing address, which matches my CC addresses. My CC charge was *approved* by my bank. Yet, Avangate responds with this utter bullshit:
Dear Customer,

We have received your online order #xxxxxxxx placed on

The processing of this transaction could not be completed, the details
you have filled in the order form are either incomplete or invalid:

Firstname: xxxxxx
Lastname: xxxxxx
Street address: 1234 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx
City: xxxxxxx xxxxxxx
Zip code: xxxxx-xxxx
Country: United States of America

In case of an Avangate transaction, the billing address as well as the
delivery address must be valid ones.

In order to finalize the transaction, please review your details
(billing and delivery) and reply this notification with the complete
necessary details.
(Before smith_bit, or chip(on his shoulder)py, or any of you other holier than thou know it alls, come in here and rips me a new one "for using exes instead of my name and address": OBVIOUSLY THE xxxxxxxes ARE WHAT I REPLACED MY PERSONAL INFO WITH BEFORE POSTING HERE, BUT THE ORIGINAL DATA IS COMPLETE TO THE LETTER)

At least that answers the question of WHY IN THE GODDAMNED HELL DON'T I HAVE A KEY CODE???

I am beyond pissed off at these Avangate idiots. >:-( I mean, seriously, what the Hell? Did I screw their wives in another life or something? This is beyond INSANE! Now, despite my having jumpped through ALL of their hoops, giving up my address and financial info, having delivered to them multiple valid and guaranteed payments, which were processed, they are demanding photo ID and SSN!!! They pulled this same bullshit on a friend of mine, so don't go saying it's just me. This reeks of FRAUD! The information they are demanding is enough to open a credit card in my name. They are more fishy than a drag net trawler! I am reporting them to my CC company, PayPal, the BBB, and the police. If I can find Interpol, I'm alerting them.
mike admin
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Re: MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

Post by mike admin »

The beta key is updated in usual place. Regarding your experience with Avangate, all I can say is that situations like yours happen very rarely and generally Avangate processes a given order in several minutes, no more.
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Re: MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

Post by captain »

Thanks for responding Mike. All I can say is that Avangate has done this to me MULTIPLE TIMES now, and they recently did the same thing to a close personal friend, so I'm not pulling this out of my ass. They demanded a multitude of personal information, including photocopies of drivers' licenses and utility bills... - enough data that when combined with the other data already collected to make the purchase, they could easily effect identity theft, and WAY more than ANYONE EVER has demanded, or has a right to under Credit Card Law in the USA. All for a !~@#$ing FIFTY DOLLAR virtual purchase!?!? It's not like I'm buying 100lbs of gold bullion from you! But that's beside the point - I supplied ALL required info for ANY legitimate credit card purchase AND AGAIN for ANY legitimate PayPal purchase. BOTH were refused by Avangate, for absolutely no reason, and their demands reek of fraud. I have reported them.

Maybe they are operating under different laws in Holland, but aren't you in the USA? We ought to be on the same page here. I feel terribly abused by Avangate, and their relentless abuse is souring our relationship. Since you won't give me a direct contact for you or your company to pay you directly, Avangate has cost you at least two sales - sure, it's only $100... that you know of. But God save you all if they do turn out to be crooks, and they start screwing you and your customers.

If I weren't such a stickler for doing the right thing, I probably would have just dropped this whole thing the first time around and moved on to DVDFab, like my friend did. I have a Windoze box now, so I may as well. But I like what you're doing with MakeMKV, and I appreciate the forums here. I feel like I am a part of MakeMKV. And I feel like something nefarious is afoot with your money collector, and their utter BULLSHIT has effectively shunned me from That is totally not fair and not right.

I guess I have more than said my piece though. So, I'll just drop the whole thing now and move along. I am sad. Regards

Re: MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

Post by celavey »

Can anyone tell me where can I get this beta key?
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Joined: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:11 am

Re: MakeMKV beta key forgot about leap day! ;-P

Post by captain »

Beta key:

Be sure to file reports when things go awry. That's how Mike makes it better. :-)
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