Worked great but made dozens of files?

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Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by neosii »

Hi guys, I may be doing something obviously wrong here but I ran the software and it "ripped" my Gladiator DVD, but when I go the destination folder, instead of one nice MKV file, I have 59 mkv's ?

Title1.mkv all the way to title49.mkv

Is there a setting somewhere I screwed up on, what I'm trying to do is to rip my Blue Rays and have it create 1 large MKV file.
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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by setarip_old »


One of the "Titles" (check the running time listed - typically the longest) should represent the movie in its entirety - and would make one .MKV.

The other .MKVs would typically be individual "Extras" from the disc, e.g. trailers, interviews with cast and crew, "behind the scenes"/"the making of" videos, deleted scenes, extended scenes, alternate endings, etc.

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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by neosii »

Ahh :-)

Got it, although strangely I have two massive files both seem to be the whole film..

I guess perhaps one might be the directors cut or something.

Thanks, though, makes sense now.
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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by setarip_old »

Thanks, though, makes sense now.

Glad to hear that ;>}

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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by neosii »

I don't suppose there's anyway to cut the process really short and tell it to only create the main film without bothering decoding all the guff?

Also , what "Res" does it make the MKV at?

For example I have a blue ray disk at 1920x1200 I guess, I would like my rips to be perfect quality, I'm not concerned about disk space etc, I just want em ripped to my hard drive for easy access using Plex software.

I don't really want to lose any quality and have a lower res.
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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by setarip_old »

I don't suppose there's anyway to cut the process really short and tell it to only create the main film without bothering decoding all the guff?
After MakeMKV completes its initial brief (analytical) pass of your Blu-ray disc and has listed all "Titles" all with checkmarks, RIGHT click anywhere in the titles window to UNSELECT/UNCHECK ALL TITLES.

Then LEFT click (places a checkmark) on the title that you've determined is the main movie. As a result, this will be the only title processed.

Also , what "Res" does it make the MKV at?
The .MKV of your Blu-ray's main movie will be the same as that of the original disc - typically 1920x1080...

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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by neosii »

Thanks, perfect.
Posts: 2136
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Re: Worked great but made dozens of files?

Post by setarip_old »

Thanks, perfect.

My pleasure ;>}
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