MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

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MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by SarasotaSlim » Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:22 pm

To quote from:

"Ripping is the process of copying audio or video content to a hard disk, typically from removable media.
The word is used to refer to all forms of media.
[Despite the name, neither the media nor the data is damaged after extraction.]"

To quote from:

"Transcoding is the direct digital-to-digital data conversion of one encoding to another,[1]
such as for movie data files or audio files."

[This is EXACTLY what MakeMKV is!]

Based on these definitions, I'm hoping we can all come to agreement, that 'MakeMKV' is
NOT a transcoding tool.

My reading of all this boils down the word 'transcode'
to mean, literally, to CHANGE codecs. ('trans' == change' and 'code' == codecs or encodings.

Wikipedia elsewhere discusses both .mkv and .mp4 file-extensions, and (correctly in my view)
refers to them as 'container-formats'.


I mention all this here, because when I read how your product describes itself on
the base-page on the Internet, it totally MIS-states it! To quote from:

MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and
patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere.
MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called "transcoder".


I'd argue that rather than calling it a 'format converter', a better description would be to
call it a 'container-format converter'. And, that you DEFINITELY need to REMOVE
the phrase '...otherwise called "transcoder" '.

Because it is NOT a transcoder.

(Whether you should instead add the term 'ripper', is your call. According to the
strict defn, I guess makeMKV IS a 'ripping tool'. But, I'll let you decide about that point.)

Also, in another thread, we already discussed and concluded that 'makeMKV' is NOT
a compression-tool. Maybe something about that issue, should also get mentioned
in that product-description paragraph!?

[As an aside: another nice product, named 'HandBrake' is just the opposite of 'MakeMKV'.
HandBrake really IS a transcoder, and is designed to convert the video/audio sub-streams from
one codec type to another. That type of conversion takes MUCH more time and processing-power,
than doing what 'makeMKV' does. One of HandBrake's other nice features, is that it allows one to choose
whether to create the output-file as either a 'MP4' container or as a 'MKV' container.]

This is what I love about 'makeMKV'! 8) MakeMKV is fast! Since it doesn't NEED to
change codec encodings, it can neatly and quickly extract the video and audio data
into a series of of 'mkv-containers'.

Nice job. Nice product!


Bottom line, I think your product description needs to be re-written. Someone with a bit
more technical understanding needs to carefully add terms such 'codec' and 'container-format',
to get the product description more in line with proper terminology.

[But, that's just my opinion.] :mrgreen:

Thanks for listening. Hope this is helpful...
Last edited by SarasotaSlim on Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
H.264 codec and are very cool. 8)
[And, so is MKV container-format.] :)

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Re: MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by turtlegsr » Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:07 pm

SarasotaSlim wrote:To quote from:

"Ripping is the process of copying audio or video content to a hard disk, typically from removable media.
The word is used to refer to all forms of media.
[Despite the name, neither the media nor the data is damaged after extraction.]"

To quote from:

"Transcoding is the direct digital-to-digital data conversion of one encoding to another,[1]
such as for movie data files or audio files."

Based on those definitions, I'm hoping we can all come to agreement, that 'MakeMKV' is
NOT a transcoding tool.

My reading of all this boils down the word 'transcode'
to mean, literally, to CHANGE codecs. ('trans' == change' and 'code' == codecs or encodings.

Wikipedia elsewhere discusses both .mkv and .mp4 file-extensions, and (correctly in my view)
refers to them as 'container-formats'.


I mention all this here, because when I read how your product describes itself on
the base-page on the Internet, it totally MIS-states it! To quote from:

MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and
patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere.
MakeMKV is a format converter, otherwise called "transcoder".


I'd argue that rather than calling it a 'format converter', a better description would be to
call it a 'container-format converter'. And, that you DEFINITELY need to REMOVE
the phrase '...otherwise called "transcoder" '.

Because it is NOT a transcoder.

(Whether you should instead add the term 'ripper', is your call. According to the
strict defn, I guess makeMKV IS a 'ripping tool'. But, I'll let you decide about that point.)

Also, in another thread, we already discussed and concluded that 'makeMKV' is NOT
a compression-tool. Maybe something about that issue, should also get mentioned
in that product-description paragraph!?

[As an aside: another nice product, named 'HandBrake' is just the opposite of 'MakeMKV'.
HandBrake really IS a transcoder, and is designed to convert the video/audio sub-streams from
one codec type to another. That type of conversion takes MUCH more time and processing-power,
than doing what 'makeMKV' does. One of HandBrake's other nice features, is that it allows one to choose
whether to create the output-file as either a 'MP4' container or as a 'MKV' container.]

This is what I love about 'makeMKV'! 8) MakeMKV is fast! Since it doesn't NEED to
change codec encodings, it can neatly and quickly extract the video and audio data
into a series of of 'mkv-containers'.

Nice job. Nice product!


Bottom line, I think your product description needs to be re-written. Someone with a bit
more technical understanding needs to carefully add terms such 'codec' and 'container-format',
to get the product description more in line with proper terminology.

[But, that's just my opinion.] :mrgreen:

Thanks for listening. Hope this is helpful...
I'm not completely agree :-) but your post is very close to be exactly :-)

I think that GuinpinSoft company mean to convert your physical media and not you video into a media file that can be play everywhere...

I think this reading this:
It converts the video clips from proprietary (and usually encrypted) disc into a set of MKV files, preserving most information but not changing it in any way

So for any convert word, i think is relative to "video disk" into a media file without change video in any way.... :-)

in description makemkv's page, any use of conversion is about media disk into media file :-)

please someone from GuinpinSoft, maybe marketing staff, can help us :-)

By away, i like makemkv as well i like handbrake.....
I will leave handbrake when makemkv will compress video.


ps. sorry for my english :oops: hope ou understand my message :-)

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Re: MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by Sion28 » Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:25 pm

I agree 100% with the original poster. "Transcode" is mis-used in the main home page of makemkv. In fact, the main reason I came to the forum was to find out if makemkv was actually transcoding or just ripping/decrypting, as I do NOT want to transcode the data, I want a ripper. I want the original, pristine, un-re-encoded, bits from my blu-ray disc, stored in an easy to access and play file format.

It sounds like makemkv is what I want, but the author's use of the term "transcode" made me think otherwise.

If you want to transcode your blu-ray rips (e.g. to save hdd/server space, or to play them on lesser hardware like a smartphone or tablet), you need something like Handbrake, or meGUI.

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Re: MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by Smithcraft » Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:41 am

Wouldn't it just be better to just PM Mike and mention that he should change the terminology on the MakeMKV website based on those reasons?


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Re: MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by SarasotaSlim » Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:15 pm

Smithcraft wrote:Wouldn't it just be better to just PM Mike and mention that he should change the terminology on the MakeMKV website based on those reasons?

Hey, if you're on a 'personal name' (PM) basis with someone to 'lobby' on this issue,
then by all means DO THAT.

We're just (somewhat knowledgeable) NEWBIES to this product, so we don't know
the managers/developers.
H.264 codec and are very cool. 8)
[And, so is MKV container-format.] :)

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Re: MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by Smithcraft » Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:45 pm

I don't think it matters what kind of relationship I have with the developers ( and I don't have one other than being a user ), the content of this message, IMO, is more relevant to being a PM than a forum post.

Personal Message doesn't mean that I have to have a relationship with anyone, it just means I'm not going to broadcast my conversation to the masses.


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Re: MakeMKV is NOT a transcoding-tool. Agreed???

Post by Johnqmalapert » Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:52 am

Wonder why this never got any closure. I too started wondering about the definition of "transcode" since I always thought makemkv was ripping a 1:1 copy of the data. I agree with the OP and I think the developer knows this and uses these words for legal reasons. Just semantics really. That's my guess.

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