Suddenly can't set my output path

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Suddenly can't set my output path

Post by docsane » Sun Jan 19, 2025 11:35 pm

Running MakeMKV 1.17.8 (flatpak) on Pop OS.

I've been running MKV for months and months since switching to Linux without a problem. My normal output directory is a folder on my Media drive:

/media/xxxx/Media/DVD Video Recording

However, lately, when I try to set that, I get this path appearing in MakeMKV:

/run/user/1000/doc/77e92ab7/DVD Video Recording

And any attempt to rip the disc results in a failure due to lack of permissions to make the folder.

So, anyone have any idea what changed in my system? Why can't I simply point the app to the folder anymore?

Michael A.
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Re: Suddenly can't set my output path

Post by Michael A. » Tue Jan 21, 2025 9:40 pm

sounds like a problem with the permissions.
You could try:

Code: Select all

flatpak override com.makemkv.MakeMKV --filesystem="/media/xxxx/Media/DVD Video Recording"
Or install Flatseal for a nice GUI

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Re: Suddenly can't set my output path

Post by schrauger » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:27 pm

I'm also recently having this issue. I'm on Linux Mint 22. My user *can* write write to the /run/user/XXXX/doc/ABC path, so I can get it to work.

But in my case, if I use the standard mount path (/mnt/mydrive/), it doesn't seem to actually write to that folder. I'm not sure where the data is going. If I instead open the folder picker dialog and paste in the same "/mnt/mydrive/" string and click ok, then makemkv automatically remaps or rewrites it to the /run/user path.

One oddity to note is that my local drive is low on space, so when I use "/mnt/mydrive/The Movie" in makemkv, it first warns me that the directory doesn't exist, and it creates the directory on the actual NFS mount when I tell it to create it. And then it warns me that my disk space is low, somehow checking my local drive instead of the path it just created successfully.

My mount is an NFS mount in my fstab.

Code: Select all

aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:/mnt/my/network/path/ /mnt/local-path nfs rw,suid,dev,exec,user,async,x-systemd.automount 0 0
This issue seems similar enough to the OP, so I figured I'd comment in case anyone has an idea on what's going on.

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Re: Suddenly can't set my output path

Post by thepensivemonk » Sun Feb 02, 2025 9:43 pm

I suddenly started having this issue with my version of MakeMKV on my PopOS install, after it had been working flawlessly for many months.

My theory is that the default permissions for flatpak installs was updated in a recent PopOS system install, and now /home directory writing was disabled.

I have a secondary NTFS drive in my dual boot system, that is mapped to a directory called "Data" in my home directory. Up to about 4 days ago I was able to rip to that drive with no issue. Then I started to experience weirdness, where MakeMKV said it was writing to the mapped drive, but was actually writing to some temporary space on the sandbox for the flatpak. When I tried to remap the drive it kept substituting the UUID for the path, but then would fail to write.

My solution was to install Flatseal (unfortunately not in the PopOS package manager) and then use to add write permissions to my /home directory. After that, no issues.

I have seen a lot of commentary that PopOS should have a way to see those permissions, which would be a good idea, but FlatSeal did the job very well.


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