Automated process issues

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Automated process issues

Post by ndgame »

Ok So I setup a ubuntu server and installed docker and then makemkv for the sole purpose of being able to open the BR drive and everything start Automatically. All this works great except for the part that I am banging my head on the table over. This is coping everyfile into a MKV even though I have setup all the settings to look for the main title for anything more than 1200 secs long and to only grab the Eng audio. However nothing I do is working and I could use a little help. It still copies all files into a MKV file.. here are some scripts and info on my setup for you.

This is how I have makemkv setup. Also below this is a script that I have put in place to take it a step further. Is there anything missing or something else I can do to get this working?

sudo docker run -d \
--name makemkv \
-e "AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_OUTPUT=/mnt/networkshare" \
-v /home/aaron/makemkv_config:/config \
-v /dev/sr0:/dev/sr0 \
-v /dev/sg0:/dev/sg0 \
-v /mnt/networkshare:/mnt/networkshare \
-p 8080:5800 \


# Log the start of the script
echo "Starting rip-longest-title script" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log

# Get the list of titles and their lengths
titles=$(makemkvcon -r info disc:0 | grep "^TINFO:0," | awk -F ',' '{print $4 "," $5}' | sort -t ',' -k2 -nr)

# Log the titles found
echo "Titles found: $titles" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log

# Extract the longest title
longest_title=$(echo "$titles" | head -n 1 | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')

# Log the longest title
echo "Longest title: $longest_title" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log

# Rip the longest title
/opt/makemkv/bin/makemkvcon mkv disc:0 $longest_title /output

# Log the completion of the script
echo "Completed rip-longest-title script" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log
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Re: Automated process issues

Post by AnthonyHClark »

ndgame wrote:
Mon Oct 07, 2024 2:06 pm
Ok So I setup a ubuntu server and installed docker and then makemkv for the sole purpose of being able to open the BR drive and everything start Automatically. All this works great except for the part that I am banging my head on the table over. This is coping everyfile into a MKV even though I have setup all the settings to look for the main title for anything more than 1200 secs long and to only grab the Eng audio. However nothing I do is working and I could use a little help. It still copies all files into a MKV file.. here are some scripts and info on my setup for you.

This is how I have makemkv setup. Also below this is a script that I have put in place to take it a step further. Is there anything missing or something else I can do to get this working?

sudo docker run -d \
--name makemkv \
-e "AUTO_DISC_RIPPER_OUTPUT=/mnt/networkshare" \
-v /home/aaron/makemkv_config:/config \
-v /dev/sr0:/dev/sr0 \
-v /dev/sg0:/dev/sg0 \
-v /mnt/networkshare:/mnt/networkshare \
-p 8080:5800 \


# Log the start of the script
echo "Starting rip-longest-title script" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log

# Get the list of titles and their lengths
titles=$(makemkvcon -r info disc:0 | grep "^TINFO:0," | awk -F ',' '{print $4 "," $5}' | sort -t ',' -k2 -nr)

# Log the titles found
echo "Titles found: $titles" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log

# Extract the longest title
longest_title=$(echo "$titles" | head -n 1 | awk -F ',' '{print $1}')

# Log the longest title
echo "Longest title: $longest_title" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log

# Rip the longest title
/opt/makemkv/bin/makemkvcon mkv disc:0 $longest_title /output

# Log the completion of the script
echo "Completed rip-longest-title script" >> /var/log/makemkv-rip.log
I thought to address the challenges users face when automating the process of ripping Blu-ray movies with MakeMKV, especially issues related to the software not adhering to the set parameters for selecting the main audio and title language
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Re: Automated process issues

Post by flojo »

AnthonyHClark is a Ai bot. This is getting ridiculous.

Are you sure those variables are honored? You could write out a config every time with some docker exec -it commands. Sorry, I copy everything every time and don't use it in a container.

FWIW, I find containers that put every single option into the environment just to write them all out to a single file kind of pointless as you could simply write the file yourself or use docker cp container_name:/src/file /dest Know what I mean? What's stopping you from adding &&docker cp ... at the end of your line/script?
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