New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

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New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

Since about a year, I had very few problems using MakeMKV in combination with my DVD-readers (an ASUS BlueRay reader, a Verbatim HL-dvd reader and a TSST D100 reader).

Unfortunately, my HL-dvd reader recently went completely dead, so I bought a new TSST D500 DVD reader.

This new reader causes problems. It keeps spitting out almost all discs that are perfectly fine. MakeMKV tries to load the disc, but after 15 seconds or so, the dvd-reader ejects the disc.

I have tried setting autoplay = off in the Windows device settings, which hasn't caused any problems so far, but it doesn't solve the problem.

Strangely enough, in a few cases (1 out of 10) it actually works and much faster than my other TSST D100.

Is there a quick fix for this problem or should I return the item and try some other dvd-reader?

Sorry if I posted in the wrong forum, but as far as I know this isn't a UHD or Libre drive.

MakeMKV version is v1.17.4 (win(x64-release))
Last edited by RAHRL on Mon Nov 25, 2024 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

Problem seems solved, the dvd-reader needed a second USB-cable, for some reason (additional power?)
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

Unfortunately, problem not solved. When I select Open Disc from the menu, MakeMKV tries reading the disc, but after a while, it says “No Disc”, with the log showing the following error:


Sometimes it works well, but in most cases it doesn’t. Re-inserting the disc does not solve the problem.

VLC Player has no problems playing the disc, even after MakeMKV failed.

My two other dvd-readers still work fine.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

It feels a bit like I’m talking to a brick wall, but I have some additional info.

First, I upgraded to the newest MakeMKV version (v1.17.8 ), but there was no noticeable improvement. It did not solve the problem. Some discs rip ok, but on others I still get the message:


Secondly, I have tried several discs that failed in the new D500 reader and tried them in the old D100 reader. Each and everyone ripped fine.

So, as a complete non-expert on the internals of MakeMKV, let me speculate on the reason for the problem.

It cannot be the MakeMKV software nor the disc, because a disc that fails in the D500 reader, rips successfully in the D100 reader with the same software. So there must be some kind of protection/authorisation problem in the new D500 reader (or the driver) that prevents MakeMKV from reading a particular sector of the disc.
For some reason VLC Player, which also works ok on the D500 reader, does not encounter this problem when playing the disc, because it does not do that same operation on that specific sector of the disc.

I have seen reports of the pertained error message on this forum that go back to 2019, but I could not discern a clear fix for the problem.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by dcoke22 »

I don't have any experience with the optical drives you're using, so I'm just speculating. However, my guess is MakeMKV makes some general assumptions about how to interact with optical drives. The current crop of popular drives gets a lot of testing. Older and more obscure products, like TSST drives, probably don't get much testing. How MakeMKV interacts with the firmware on these drives is anyone's guess. How many bugs are in the TSST D500 reader's firmware is an open question as well. It is likely firmware bugs or weird interactions between drive firmware and MakeMKV that are the reason why some discs work and some don't.

In your first post, you mention buying a new TSST D500 DVD reader. I'm curious, does TSST even exist as a company anymore? The Wikipedia page suggests that the Toshiba & Samsung joint venture that was TSST was sold to a Korean company, Optis Co., Ltd., and eventually went into bankruptcy in 2016.

Whatever chipset and firmware is used in the TSST D500 drives doesn't seem to work all that well with MakeMKV. It might be easiest to move on to a different drive.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

Thank you for your reply.

I recently bought the drive through Amazon.

It is sold under a different brand name (Ruizhi or whatever), but MakeMKV shows it is just a TSST D500 drive. My TSST D100 was also sold under a different brand name and my defunct HL drive was sold as a Verbatim drive.

The TSST drive came with two cables and the manual was not helpful as how to connect the drive. So I started with one cable connected directly to a USB port of the laptop and when that caused problems, I connected a second between the drive and a USB hub, because I suspected power problems. Because this was a Y-cable, one USB connector was not plugged in. This even caused more problems.

So now I am back to one 1-1 cable between drive and laptop, and with the newest version of MakeMKV the last 4 discs ripped fine.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by dcoke22 »

The Y-cable that comes with the drive seems to be for allowing one of two kinds of connections, not for adding extra power.

A Y-cable like this one: is the more traditional kind that allows for extra power when both plugs are plugged into the computer. I have no idea if that would even work with your drive.

I know it is a lot more money, but the Verbatim 43888,, works out of the box with MakeMKV as a LibreDrive capable drive. It rips DVDs, blu-rays, and UHDs.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

Thank you for the information and your advice.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

The player currently functions reasonably well with just the one cable between reader and laptop.

But in about 1 out of 5 cases the reader ejects the disc while MakeMKV opening its contents leaving MakeMKV in some unwanted state where nothing works anymore.

I also have plenty of “no disc” messages in MakeMKV while a DVD is inserted.

No idea why the reader ejects the disc without human intervention and no idea why the disc is not recognized sometimes. I never had those problems with my previous readers.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by Coopervid »

Just get a reasonable OK drive. Don't try to pray to make it work or live with its glitches.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

I returned the item because it kept giving me problems. Many “no disc” messages in MakeMKV and sometimes it ejected discs while MakeMKV was trying to open the disc.
This resulted in MakeMKV getting confused and not working anymore. In those circumstances it was impossible to perform an orderly shutdown of the laptop.

It is not entirely clear to me which dvd readers do work well with MakeMKV and are of such basic quality that they will not break down within 12 months of use.
It is not always the more expensive readers that perform better. My older TSST D100 reader was low budget, but works very well, as my Asus BluRay reader does which was slightly more expensive.

About every dvd reader on Amazon has a number of negative reviews. I just don’t know what to buy anymore. Even the Verbatim Externe Slimline Blu-ray Writer Ultra HD 4K, recommended in a post above, has 6% 1-star ratings out of 2305 reviews with comparable complaints.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by dcoke22 »

The interesting thing about the Verbatim 43888 is one user has reported getting a drive that does not contain the expected Pioneer drive inside it. They were able to flash the drive to make it suitable for ripping UHDs. But it seems Verbatim has maybe changed the internals of their drive without changing the model number.

Verbatim 43888 with LG drive?
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

My videos are not so advanced that they require a uhd/4K reader. With the exceptional BluRay, most of my discs are plain old dvds.

If there is no guarantee that a specific make/model/type dvd reader will work well with MakeMKV, my strategy is to go for maximum damage control, i.e. I spend just a small amount of money so my financial loss is limited should it not work properly.

So, I bought a low-cost dvd reader/writer, sold under the Premes brand name, but actually a HL GT80N SATA DVD-RW Drive, as MakeMKV indicates.

After about 25 rips, it seems to work reasonbly well on most discs. In one case, I have had the “no disc” in MakeMKV while there was nothing wrong with the disc and one rip failed, while it succeeded in an other reader.

I also noticed a rip in MakeMKV may differ, depending on the dvd reader used. The analysis of the disc structure, assigning of titles, bytesize of videos, etc. also seems to depend on the dvd reader used, which I find somewhat confusing.

The tray of the dvd reader sounds like it could break any moment, but till now it is holding out.
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Re: New TSST D500 DVD Reader spits out every DVD disc

Post by RAHRL »

Regarding the many brand names of dvd readers that pop up and vanish quickly, I have the impression the added value of these brands is limited to the design of the casing. Most of them are regular HL or TSST dvd readers/writers.

Hitachi-LG Data Storage (HLDS, HL-DT-ST or H-L Data Storage), a joint venture between Hitachi, Ltd. and LG Electronics, is a manufacturer of DVD and Blu-ray optical disc drives for desktop computers and laptops.

Toshiba Samsung Storage Technology Corporation (abbreviated TSST) is a former international joint venture company of Toshiba (Japan) and Samsung Electronics (South Korea). Toshiba used to own 51% of its stock, while Samsung used to own the remaining 49%. The company specialized in optical disc drive manufacturing.

The exception is Asus which sells their drives under their own name.
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