suddenly makemkvcon stuck?

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suddenly makemkvcon stuck?

Post by Caleb87 »

I used makemkvcon to rip several movies so far. All of a sudden, it just hangs and never does anything.

I tried reinstalling from snap, tried attaching optical drive to (reddit suggestion), tried with/without sudo, rebooting computer, and more.

The /root/snap/makemkv/624/.MakeMKV/ private tar is only 8mb. I think it's supposed to be 50ish mb. I wonder if it's having issues getting it?

Any other ideas I could check?

Code: Select all

sudo makemkvcon mkv disc:4 all /home/caleb/TEST
MakeMKV v1.17.6 linux(x64-release) started
Failed to get full access to drive "ASUS BW-16D1HT". Make sure that you either have write access to device "/dev/sr3", are member of "cdrom" group or have CAP_SYS_RAWIO enabled.
Failed to get full access to drive "ASUS BW-16D1HT". Make sure that you either have write access to device "/dev/sr2", are member of "cdrom" group or have CAP_SYS_RAWIO enabled.
Failed to get full access to drive "ASUS BW-16D1HT". Make sure that you either have write access to device "/dev/sr5", are member of "cdrom" group or have CAP_SYS_RAWIO enabled.
Failed to get full access to drive "ASUS BW-16D1HT". Make sure that you either have write access to device "/dev/sr1", are member of "cdrom" group or have CAP_SYS_RAWIO enabled.
Failed to get full access to drive "ASUS BW-16D1HT". Make sure that you either have write access to device "/dev/sr4", are member of "cdrom" group or have CAP_SYS_RAWIO enabled.
Failed to get full access to drive "ASUS BW-16D1HT". Make sure that you either have write access to device "/dev/sr0", are member of "cdrom" group or have CAP_SYS_RAWIO enabled.
Downloading latest SDF to /root/snap/makemkv/624/.MakeMKV ...
This never finishes, and the file is not growing in size. It just gets stuck.
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Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2024 3:10 am

Re: suddenly makemkvcon stuck?

Post by av8orbysea »

This is happening to me too on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. About half way into mkv the output file stops updating its time and size. The process goes defunct. Any further attempts to run makemkvcon go nowhere. Trying to figure out a way to get it working again without a total system reboot. No errors. Last output was 49% progress. Bizarre.
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Re: suddenly makemkvcon stuck?

Post by dcoke22 »

I don't use MakeMKV on Linux, so I'm speculating a bit. But the LG and ASUS drives sometimes get confused and seemingly the only way to bring them back is to power cycle the drive. In my case, the drives are external in a powered enclosure on my desk, so all I have to do is reach behind them, flip the power switch to off, wait several seconds to be sure, then flip the power switch back on.

I don't know if that's the situation you're running into, but since this is a common thing on LG & ASUS drives, I figured it was worth mentioning.
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Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2024 3:10 am

Re: suddenly makemkvcon stuck?

Post by av8orbysea »

Thanks for your reply dcoke22.

I'll try that next time... I think I did everything except hard power down.

I have since switched to using the graphical Ubuntu version (installed through snap after enabling graphics/desktop env on Ubuntu Server 22.04) and after failures there I have not had the same locked drive situation. Maybe that will help somebody else too.


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