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First, you have to OPEN the disk, rather than BACKUP the disk. The buttons involved look like this, if you have loaded a Bluray:

After you select Open, things will churn for a bit, before displaying the selection screen:

"Left Menu" is where the titles will be displayed, with each title having selection check box, and an expand/contract triangle next to it. The selection box determines if that title will be ripped (checked) or not (not checked). Clicking on the triangle will expand or contract the list of tracks within the title, which will allow you to select individual tracks (audio, subtitle, 3D MVC) within that title.
The "Chapters" entry has a triangle to expand to show you the list of chapters... You cannot select individual ones, sorry.
With expert mode, the upper right side of the screen allows you to change the properties of various things. The most obvious one you'll use is the Output folder, but the Properties entry will let you check or change the disk name, which I've done here:

As a result of changing the disk name, notice that the Left menu area changed, too; The disk name was applied to the title names.
By selecting one of the titles in the left menu, we can change the Name property, which also affects the "File name" property in the Info section:

We can then go after other properties, by clicking on the Name button:

With the file name being the most likely target of our work:

You can repeat this for multiple titles; When dealing with a television series with multiple episodes, the use of Copy/Paste comes in very handy, and it is usually simpler if you are using the keyboard, rather than a mouse, to do it.
Hopefully, this will help.