purchase without registration/adress

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Joined: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:27 pm

purchase without registration/adress

Post by just_me »

Hi all,

is it possible to purchase MakeMKV without leaving the address?

Us i understand, this Software is able to break copy-protection. In my country this is illegal :roll:

If i should purchase this, and sometimes, someone find my address at your database - the prosecutor stands in front of my door.... :oops:
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Re: purchase without registration/adress

Post by Woodstock »

You've got the problem even without leaving your address, if you use any form of electronic payment - it's traceable. In fact, if someone REALLY wanted to track you, they could try to get the logs of this server, and track you by the IP used to post your message.

Do they also arrest people with Blu-ray players? If used in a public place, they're violating copyright laws, due to most disks not being licensed for public performance...

Your best bet to anonymize the transaction is to get someone in a country where it isn't illegal to handle the transaction for you. Maybe find someone else who wants to register, and send them the money to get them to register TWO copies. What they do would be illegal in your country, but not theirs... just pick someone who will never, ever visit your country!
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