LG BU40 N Issues

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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LG BU40 N Issues

Post by Lordsloss »

Hello everyone,

I recently purchased an Archgon Model: MD-8107-U3 and after reading the forums it appears the drive inside is an LG BU40N. I downloaded the SDF Tool Flasher in the "Downgrade Enabled Firmware V.2" and "The all you need firmware pack" I tried to use the tool and flash it to the one labeled "LG Slim BU40N" But I keep getting an error of "Check Sum is Mismatched. Drive will go to BOOT Mode. Please try again." Any ideas how to get it to work, or am I doing something wrong? Thank you in advance.
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Re: LG BU40 N Issues

Post by Billycar11 »

Follow the guide below and don't use that old flasher your trying to use
Buy a UHD drive from the guide and how to video maker: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 20&t=17831
UHD Drives Guide: https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic ... 16&t=19634
Auto flash kit $25 Email me for one Billycar5924@gmail.com
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Re: LG BU40 N Issues

Post by Lordsloss »

Hello. I tried to use the one listed in the guide and it said successful, but when I tried to copy the disk (4K The Fifth Element) it read it and errored out while trying to copy.

The error on VLC when viewing it is:

Blu-ray error:
This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'bluray:///D:\'. Check the log for details.

The error on the copy is:

Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'OS error - The specified request is not a valid operation for the target device' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' at offset '22870093824'
Error 'Scsi error - ILLEGAL REQUEST:INVALID FIELD IN CDB' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00001.m2ts' at offset '22870093824'
Failed to save title 0 to file E:/Media Backup/The Fifth Element/Fifth Element_t00.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed

Now it will not read the disk at all in MKV. Any ideas on what I did wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Information if needed:

Drive Information
OS device name: \Device\CdRom0
Current profile: BD-ROM
Manufacturer: HL-DT-ST
Product: BD-RE BU40N
Revision: 1.03
Serial number: [redacted]
Firmware date: 2118-10-24 19:34
Bus encryption flags: 17
Highest AACS version: 76

LibreDrive Information
Status: Enabled
Drive platform: MT1959
Firmware type: Patched (microcode access re-enabled)
Firmware version: 1.03
DVD all regions: Yes
BD raw data read: Yes
BD raw metadata read: Yes
Unrestricted read speed: Yes

Disc Information
Disc is being loaded
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:01 pm

Re: LG BU40 N Issues

Post by Lordsloss »

After a reset it is working fine now. Not sure why it did that, but thank you!
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