Output folder directory doesn’t exist (unRaid)

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Output folder directory doesn’t exist (unRaid)

Post by LtTyler5 »

Could someone help me understand the output folder situation when using MakeMKV in unRaid. I’ve got it setup, drive is being read fine, but when I go to rip the disk I get a Directory (/mnt/user/data/incompletemakemkv) does not exist. Do you want to create it? Message.

I have a “data” share created in the shares and within that an “incompletemakemkv” folder. I’ve selected this in the advanced view on the MakeMKV container.

Inside the MakeMKV Web UI when given the option for output it’s always listed as /storage and when I do manage to get my specific output selected it gives me that previous error. Why would it ask to create something if it already exists? I’ve attached some photos. I watched SpaceInvader vid on part of this but I don’t think thats my issue or as a noob I’m just confused.

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