My purchsed licence say it's expires

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My purchsed licence say it's expires

Post by dean99 »

I have just got a new pc and reinstalled makemkv added the licence to it and it said " Thank you for purchasing" When I went to use it I got a message "Evaluation version, 30 day(s) out of 30 remaining" and I get an expiry date on help>about

Does this mean I am not able to make BD mkv when the 30 days ends it says "never expires" in the images attached

Thanks in advance

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Re: My purchsed licence say it's expires

Post by Woodstock »

It is likely that your purchased license didn't get recorded properly - the 30 day warning notice shows up when the license is the beta license.

You can compare what is displayed when you click Help->Register with the beta key. It SHOULD be different, and have a note about License type: Registered.
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